Today I was enjoying a nice homemade root beer float with one of my favorite ice cream. While eating and drinking this float I came across something I thought was a piece of chocolate even though I was not eating chocolate ice cream. Upon close inspection it was a pretty big piece of cardboard. I Immediately stopped and put my glass down and walked away. It just happens that my oldest daughter was there and of course she laughed but she went and ate some of it too. It was her way of saying if anything is wrong with it I will eat some with you so we will either both die or get sick. So I made the remark" so if I ate poison you will eat it too? I don't think that God gave us the ok to commit suicide. Of course ' she laughed again but had no words to back up her decision.
So then I remembered listening to the news one year of a 7 year old child whose mother died and she felt she could not live without her mother and went and laid across the railroad tracks until a train came and she Was killed.
In the bible Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son isaac because of his obedience to Jehovah God. I heard another news report of a man who protected his wife from being killed by a crazed gunman and he died instead. Romans 5:7 says that very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person though for peradventure for the good man someone may dare to die.
Now this leads me back to Jesus who died for us and none of us were good. He died for us while we were still in our sins and took our sins upon himself. Now That is a whole lot of love. So now I am reading prophesy today magazine which has a lot of end time prophesy which sounds like our day at this present time. Revelations also offers prophesies of the end time and our almighty father told us that it will be a time of pain and sorrows that the earth has never experienced before.
I am sure many nations and people has heard of the mark of the beast because in the end times he will make those small and great rich and poor worship the beast and whoever does not will suffer persecution and death. Here we have Jesus who gave his life for those who believe. In the end times many people will loose their life for believing in Jesus Christ. We all believe in something and I suppose if I should die for something that I believe in I should make sure that whatever it is, it does not forfeit my eternal right and blessings with the savior Jesus Christ. As I write this I remember my years as a child and most of my adulthood where I was totally afraid of dying. Now I have a daughter who is willing to put her life on the line for her mother, Jesus laid his life down to take it up later and we must have these same beliefs because the bible states in , Mathew 10:28 and fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy soul and body in hell.