Sunday, November 1, 2015
How We choose to live!!!
Are you a believer? Are you a Christian? What differentiates a true believer from a non believer. If I am an atheist and I decided to follow a believer of Christ and a non believer would the atheist be able to recognize the believer from the none believer? Are Christians actively seeking God each and every day. The bible says to pray and pray often but are we busy praying. Are we praying for each other? Do we see what is happening around us. Do we know what the word says. When we see a brother or sister struggling to survive, be it financially or spiritually do we help that brother or sister or are we too busy with our day to day. Recently someone told me about a gentleman who was on the verge of dying and did not know Christ; I offered to visit him in the hospital but due to my own fears as to what may truly be wrong with him I never made an effort to visit. I wonder would my visit have made an impact on his life. As children of the most high God these are things we are suppose to do on a regular basis. Visit the sick, look after widows and orphans, look after the poor, be fervent in prayer, seeking the elders to pray for us and over our life. We are suppose to set an example for others to follow. Matthew 5:16 states "let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and so they will glorify your father which is in heaven. "After going to church do I leave the house of God, go to my car and start bumping secular music as though I never heard the word. Do I get on the phone and start using foul language because someone has made me upset. Do I have love for my fellow man. Can life beat me down so badly that I loose all love and care for another human being. Can satan come and tell me to harass my neighbor and I willingly do it based on what I am told even though I claim I believe in God. If my employer tells me to do something and it is against my beliefs do I do it anyway knowing that it is wrong. If I see someone in need and he or she is begging for some change do I walk by real fast as if I do not see them or do I give them some change if I have it. Do I assume that I am better than the next person because I may have more money, or a college degree. Does the color of my skin determine if I am better than you or are we all one and equal in the body of Christ. Do I get on the phone and gossip about others or things I do not have actual facts about knowing that gossiping is just like lying or murder because it's all sin. I believe we are all guilty of something and I know that none of these behaviors exhibit Christ like qualities. Can you imagine Jesus saying to his disciples " did you see that man over there in the tomb with no clothes on. The one who keeps breaking the chains that they put on him, and then him and his disciples all laugh. What about the woman with the issue of blood, can you imagine Jesus laughing or maybe getting mad and cursing her out later. Or maybe going behind closed doors and talking about how someone looks. We are so far from being Christlike I don't even believe we understand it. To say we are believers are only words or expressions some people use. What are we true believers of? It does not look like we are true believers of the bible because if we were true followers of Christ we would acknowledge the whole book not just certain verses. So many of us claim to be believers but have no idea what the word says. We do not take time to read but will spend hours on Facebook or Instagram. We find it hard to spend 1 hour reading but will spend that hour watching television which is totally ungodly. Are we actively seeking God. You know what bothers me" those people who are so quick to call someone ugly when we all know that none of us have any control of our physical appearance. These people forget that it is your inner self that is ugly. Samuel 16:7 For the lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance but the lord looks at the heart. If only we would try this more often. We are so busy looking at the outward appearance that many of us only see color. We cannot seem to get beyond the color of someone's skin, and we make decisions based on that persons skin color. Are we hypocrites or what. Are we going to heaven or hell. I believe we all need to check ourselves to make sure we are living Christlike because it is quite easy not to.
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