Satan is in the church. Many people go to church. They hear a feel good speech, clap their hands, jump for joy, do a amen and a hallelujah and leave the church doing the same devilish mess they were doing before they went to church. Some people go to church faithfully each Sunday morning and will drink, smoke fornicate and curse you out on Monday through Saturday. If a pastor is not preaching to save lost souls then please beware.
We feed our bodies so we also must replenish and feed our souls. We must be careful what our soul is being fed. Just like junk food is bad for us and is more like garbage so is our spirit man. We need to be nurtured spiritually in truth and righteousness. The Lord said to feed his sheep. He also said the people perish for lack of knowledge.
When we were children and in school the teacher taught us but we were given homework. Well today we also need to do our homework. We cannot just leave it up to the pastor. We have to read on our own also. As the saying goes " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
When we leave a church service do we leave with a desire to change our lives. Were we moved by what we heard. Did we get that longing to know God and to seek after him or did we say" let's go get lunch, and start playing the radio which plays secular music.
Everyone has their own problems and issues and some people may not realize that they need the Lord. They may not even care to know him, however I know for a fact that we all need him.
The bible says to discern the spirit so we need to pay attention to what we are being fed on Sunday mornings . I go to church because I need spiritual food. I also go because I'm lost and I need to be found, I'm downtrodden and I need to be raised up, I'm sick and I need healing, I have pain and I need to be pain free, I'm imprisoned and I need to be free, I'm thirsty and I need to drink, I'm hungry and I need to be fed, I'm naked and I need to be clothed, I'm cold and I need warmth, the bible says I need to be washed in hyssop and made clean. My soul needs God and I can't speak for you.