Freely give and freely you shall receive!!!!!!
I do not believe that the term freely give means to freely give unto the pastor everything that you have. Sow a seed of $1000.00 or whatever the amount. People need to use common sense. Woman gives all her earnings to the church because she has cancer and she wants to be healed. Jesus charged no one for his miracles. When we give to the church we are giving the fruit of our harvest. We no longer have fruits and the vegetation of the field to give so we give a percentage of our income in the offering plate. Let's not take it upon ourselves and believe that because we have given to the church then we have given. Our father in heaven means freely give to those who ask, and turn no one away. We know quite well that as humans we become judge mental in deciding who we should or should not give to. Remember this is written in the bible that if your neighbor comes to you in the night and ask for something do not turn him or her away and tell them to come back tomorrow when you have it to give. Proverbs 3:27,28
Do not withhold good from those to whom you should give it, if it is within your power to help.
Do not say to your neighbor, " Go away; come back later, I will give it to you tomorrow" if you can give it now.
There is another verse which says that you do not know if they need it or not. So basically don't worry about them trying to use you because your father in heaven will bless you and they will be heaping hot coals upon their heads. I am guilty of not giving when I should. I have been at traffic lights while someone is standing with a sign for help. I think to myself, by the time I go in my purse and get some change out the light will change and I will be holding up traffic. The proper thing to do would be to stop traffic and do what is in my heart to do but oftentimes I fail. I am not saying don't give to the pastor because the bible says, give 10% of your wages, (New Testament) but for those with million dollar houses and their own jets and the congregation is still hungry for spiritual food and physical food, I find something wrong with that. Like I have said before, everyone in that congregation should have their needs met. We live in a time where people are selfish and are only looking out for themselves. We can help those that we know if they are our friends. The bible says in Luke 14:13
But when you host a banquet invite the poor, the lame, and the blind. Basically invite those who are unable to pay you back. I would like to one day be able to do this but society has me afraid to reach out to others. I'm told people are crazy, what if they rob, steal or kill me. Can this be done in this age and time. If God said it then it can be done and it should be done. After all, isn't this what Jesus did with every last one of us. In the parable of the banquet found in Luke 14-21 a certain man was holding a banquet and sent his servant to all his friends to come but they all made excuses, so he told his servants to go out into the highways and byways and invite the lame, blind,poor and so on. Are not we those who Christ invites to the marriage supper. Let's not find excuses to not seek Jesus now. Who is perfect to enter heaven? Not one of us is perfect, yet we put ourselves on a pedestal believing we are better than the next person, I am guilty again. God has a way of bringing us low and raising us up again. Remember King Nebuchadnezzar, his heart was lifted up and God debased him and after seven years was restored to his kingdom. We go as far as lying on someone because we do not like them, we kill without remorse, we gossip like a run away train, we dress like we had no training that a woman should be covered, but we uncover, I am guilty of this one also. I felt it was my right to dress how I wanted. Wrong. My body is not mines to do as I please. My body is a temple that the Holy Spirit should reside in. We call ourselves strong when we are being manipulated and used worse than an animal. Without our Heavenly Father we are weak. We believe that because we have a nice house or car that we have it going on, when God says, Revelation 3:17
But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor blind, and naked. I guess I should clarify this verse in revelation which is talking about the city which sits on seven hills which is Rome and the Catholic Church. She is rich and has accumulated great wealth, all kept in secret at the Vatican. I guess what I am saying is what we have here on earth can easily be taken away so while I am able to give I will give. Hoarding goods makes no sense if I die tomorrow because I cannot take it with me. The times are changing and these are evil times. We all need each other to survive. What if the government suddenly cuts everyone from receiving welfare and food stamps,What if our jobs just suddenly closed on us,What if our grocery stores just suddenly closed on us, what would we do? Go rob, steal and kill to survive. These things happen in other countries and it is predicted to happen here. The bible talks of great doom and disaster to happen on the face of the earth that has never happened since the beginning of time. I believe this is the beginning of tribulations. People don't want to hear it even though they can see that things are different. I don't know about you but, I can't sit in hell and burn and suffer. So whatever it takes to return to my first love which is Jesus Christ I will do. I forgive you 100% whomever or whatever and I'm moving on. I can either listen to the warnings and take heed or I can ignore the warnings. If you have control of life and death then you do not need to take heed but if you don't and don't know where your soul is going, then I suggest you take heed.
Romans 12:20
If your enemies are hungry, feed them, if they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.
I just googled this and I see a lot of questions as to what does heaping burning coals on someone's head means. Well simply put, if someone is an enemy to you, then more than likely they have been very evil towards you. To be evil is the same as being wicked. The meek and the righteous will inherit the earth, not the wicked. Those who are wicked will inherit hell and all that it has to offer. Doesn't the bible say that the unrighteousness will receive fire and brimstone, and will burn forever. Don't we need coal for the fire. The shame of that is, those who are in hell will be able to see those who are in heaven and great shame will be on them because they never believed. Remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man. Our father in heaven says that there is a partition which separates the righteous from those who will be in hell. Just like their is a partition which separates heaven from the earth which jehovah calls a firmament.
Let us all know without a doubt that we all were created by God and we all must return to God. We all must stand before the judgement seat one day. We all have to give an account of everything we did here on earth whether good or bad. Matthew 25:43,44, 45
I was a stranger and you did not take me in, I was naked and you did not clothed me, I was sick and in prison and you did not visit me,
And they too will reply, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or naked, or sick, or in prison and did not help you, and Yeshua will answer, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these you did not do for me. May The Lords' Peace, Mercy, Blessings, and Love Rest upon You.