Friday, October 19, 2018


As a child I loved going to church. I would always sit in the back row with my cousins so we could see everyone coming in. I remember whenever the church would play a certain song one particular member who was an older lady  would be running up and down the isle shouting loudly and falling on the floor. I suppose she got the Holy Spirit. I remember being afraid of catching the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. I did not quite understand it so I was afraid of it.  I miss those years of hearing about the Lord and the innocence of knowing that I have done nothing that could send me to hell. Now being an adult and reading the Bible for myself has allowed me to see that there is a lot to learn in regards to church. You don't just go to hear a good word. I want to go because I need to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to me. I get caught up in my day to day life and do not always pray. I don't remember those psalms like I use to. Now I need a little help with staying positive spiritually.  I need to hear the word that says Jesus is coming soon. I need to hear the word that speaks to my soul. That word that says the soul that sins must die. That word that has me cringing in my seat because I know that I cannot continue with my life this way. Holiness, truth, mercy, justice and love must be ever present in my day to day. The commandments must be preached to all. So many people own a bible but few take time to read it. I will never know what the Good Lord say if I never read his word. The preacher keeps talking about prosperity. God wants us to prosper but not in sin. I need to be mindful of everything that I do. If I am never told that something is wrong then how will I know that I need to change. The Bible says woe to the wicked pastors. The pastors have fled and are no longer feeding the sheep. There are many sheeps but they are lost. They are lost as to who they truly are. If the Israelites were shipped to the four corners of the world, with chains around the necks and feet then who are you. What people were chained hand and foot. What people watched their sons and daughters sold for a morsel of bread or a bottle of wine. What people were enslaved for 400 years in Egypt and enslaved once again in the Americas. Yet God's children are perishing each day. The Bible says my people perish from lack of knowledge. I just wished pastors would start worrying about the many souls being lost instead of how many members he has this week and how much money did the church make this week. I need help, he needs help, she needs help, my God we all need help. By this I mean that we all need the word of God preached to us in a way which will convert or return us back to our father who art in heaven... overall I enjoyed church and miss that little building where I felt safe because I thought God was there.
Church should be a place that I go to in order to grow in the word not grow away from the word. I am sure we have all heard our body is the temple Hod should abide in not a physical building. So is my temple clean from sin. Can the Lord reside in my temple. Ask yourself that question and you will know where you are with Jesus Christ.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

If only I could touch the hem of his garment!!!!!

If I could only touch the hem of his garment!!!

Someone close to me underwent a medical procedure last week. Whenever sickness or anything out of the ordinary affects me or my immediate family I instill lots of prayer to get through. I am someone who strongly believes in God but gets very nervous when confronted with challenges. On this day, I was waiting outside when I started to feel overwhelmed. For some reason I needed to pray and pray often. So while waiting in the car outside I started to pray. I also kept falling asleep but would wake up on intervals. My body was sensing something out of the ordinary. I cannot describe it but whatever it was I needed to pray. I kept praying, speaking Gods word out loud and repeating the 23rd psalm in my head. I felt as though my prayers were not getting through. I wanted to get out of the car, stand outside and have a talk with Jesus. It's as though I needed to see and speak with him face to face. While feeling this way I imagined, if he was here , what would he say. So I found myself answering the question' so you need to see Jesus in order to believe. And of course he would answer " oh ye of little faith. I wanted to be like the lady in the Bible who touched the hem of his garment. She wanted to be healed and I wanted to be heard.
I wanted Jesus to come down and stand beside me. I needed him to take my hand and let me know that everything will be alright. When others are going through trials and adversity I have told them to just pray. Pray over your circumstance , pray over your children, pray over your loved ones. If  you want to see change then prayer is your best answer. Jesus prayed while he was here on earth and he told us to believe that our prayer will be answered because if you have the slightest doubt then your prayer is annulled. It just so happens that on this particular day I felt as though something was blocking my prayer from being heard. Through it all I did not give up and by evening time I felt much better. It's not that God does not hear us nor want to heal us but I am coming to the conclusion that there are forces in the spirit realm who tries to block our prayers from getting through. With this knowledge I encourage every believer to not lose focus. Never give up and to keep our mind on the prize which is everlasting life with Jesus Christ