Friday, April 4, 2014

Jesus then vs now

I got the idea for this story based on a yahoo headline which states, " Atlanta minister explains to his parishioners his purchase of a house for 2.2 million dollars. So I did not read the story but it made me ask a question. What if Jesus was born at this time in our lifetime? Considering that he was born in a manger and before his crucifixion he came riding on a donkey and the people took off their garments and laid it in the ground. If he was born in this era would he be born at the ritz Carlton? Instead of riding on a donkey, 
would he take a first class jet or limousine to his destination? 

God gave us wisdom to create beautiful structures and their are great architects in this world  but the greatest architect that ever lived is Jesus. so I am not trying to knock anyone but I now understand certain things. Jesus came then and was born in a manger because God put him in a lowly position, even though he came from above, he did not brag nor flaunt what he knew or already had and would receive. So he failed not.  Here he is a great king who has access to all that  his father has but he came being born in a manger, riding on a donkey and then suffering  the most for being heir to the kingdom.  This story made me realize that mankind is impressed with each other and we do things to impress others, but God does not need us to impress him. We can build the greatest church or the greatest house but what impresses the Lord most is " are we doing what he told us, are those in bondage free, are the captives free, are we looking after widows and orphans, those who are hungry, are they being fed? Maybe I am wrong but I feel that if a minister can purchase a home of that cost then their should be no one in his congregation who needs a car, or their light bill paid, their food pantry should be full beyond capacity. everyone should have equally because in Acts 5: there was a man named ananias and his wife sapphira 
who lied about selling their plot of land and kept back some of the proceeds, they both died for lying to the holy spirit. In those times they gathered as they needed. It was about preaching the word of Jesus and not about getting rich. So now I must ask this question also, if this minister has 2.2 million then most likely he has a mega church. So let's say he has 20,000 members and each member gives $1.00 every Sunday then that is $20,000 per week. We really need to be careful that we do not get enticed by this world and what it has to offer. 

I honestly believe that if Jesus came now in this time that many people would find something wrong with him because he would not be wearing $1,000 suits or gucci shoes and be decked out in diamonds. He would still wear his sandals just like Moses and the israelites who's sandals did not wear out after 40 years in the desert. He would still ride on a donkey and I am sure many people would laugh and say what kind of messiah or savior is this, he does not cut his hair, he eats with sinners and he is healing all of the sick, which  the pharisees did say and they also mocked him. Now I wonder are we really Christians how much do we really believe. I am trying my best to live Christlike. God's word does say that we are to test the spirit and he gives us discernment. God also blesses us but, are we blessing others also? Mathew 26:11 says that we will always have the poor among us and this is a good example of why, because we want, want want. Mathew 6:33 also tells us to seek not the things of this world but to seek after heavenly things because the things in this world is passing away. 

It does take money to make it in this world but if those who have gave to those who did not have, I wonder would we still have poverty, and homelessness in this world. There is enough money to solve poverty but who is willing to end or solve it. Of course we will find all kinds of excuses. I wouldn't be surprised if someone said " well I'm not Jesus Christ! so in order to believe we must do. So this is a lesson to myself, I don't have millions and if I did what would I do?  I do know that Jesus said John 14 : 2 " in my fathers house there are many mansions and if it were not so I would have told you for I go to prepare a place for you. 

So since we are here but a moment and hellfire is everlasting and living with Christ is also everlasting I need to make sure that I make the right everlasting choice. 

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