Jeremiah 18:1-8
The word which came to Jeremiah from the lord saying, arise, and go down to the potters house, and there shall I show thee my words. Then I went down to the potters house, and behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. And the vessel that he made of clay, was broken in the hand of the potter, so he returned and made it another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, oh house of israel, cannot I do to you as this potter saith the Lord? Behold, as the clay is in the potters hand, so are you in my hand, oh, house of Israel.
I suppose as people we get confused and ask ? Why does God allow bad things to happen, God is not the ruler of this world but satan is, since he was thrown out of heaven. Jesus did say " I saw satan fall like lightening to the earth. We need to realize that God is the maker and ruler of us all but he does not put a knife to our throat or a gun to our head to make us change. As surely as there is light there is darkness, we have the son of God and we have the man of perdition, we have wealth and poverty, we have life and death, we have the young and we have the old, we have good and we have evil. I could go on but I guess what I am saying is" as surely as we have God we have Satan. I do not know how else to get a person to believe in God if they have never taken the time to know him. I cannot read the bible and then decide that I will only believe some parts and not all, or I will only believe the New Testament and not the old. Since I read the bible then I must believe all of it or none of it. It is the same as serving 2 masters, we cannot serve two masters because that means having one foot in the fire or walking a tightrope. Life is too short to take chances with our eternity. Good things happen to good people as well as the bad ( the bible does say, none of us are good, no not one) and in proverbs it states that chance happens to all. Believing in the word may not seem so easy to do but as I look around this beautiful world I know that this did not just happen by chance. God loves us so much that his word says that 1 day is as a thousand years to him, meaning he is slow to anger. So many people are dying in the streets due to hunger or murders or accidents, none of this is his doing. It is however the work of the enemy, but we want to blame him instead of honoring and believing in him. We sit gripe and complain about things yet we seem to honor the devil in so many ways, we lie, steal, kill, cheat, gamble, debauchery, fornicate. We do all the things God tells us not do do and then question his existence. We want his blessings but cant handle his wrath or curses it's as if we are saying" I should be able to do what I want to do without any consequence. God is the creator of us all, the one who loves us and cares for us the most. Imagine if sin never entered the world how peaceful and serene things would be. Some non believers claim that we were not allowed to think or have knowledge but, didn't Adam have the knowledge to name all the animals including Eve. Sin opened the gateway to everything that is wrong and almighty God is the answer to everything that is right. God has one son named Jesus and a host of heavenly angels and what he chooses to do " who am I to question.
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