If you acquired all the luxuries and money in this world it would not be as valuable as you. Do you understand how valuable you really are? You are more valuable than silver and gold. The enemy understands this fully well. You were thought about long before you were born. You are no accident, nor are you a mistake. John 10:10 says" the enemy comes only to steal, kill and destroy but I have come so that you may have life and have it more abundantly.
Nowadays it is very easy for someone to pick up a gun and take the life of another or even themselves. In my opinion we have been brainwashed by television. How many programs or movies can we watch without someone getting shot or murdered. It happens so often that it has become the norm. We must be careful what we allow into our spirit. We are moved by what we read and see. It all has a great affect on us. We can sit back and say " well" I have watched those kind of shows and it does not affect me, but if we take a good look around us we will see that it does have an affect on us. Is it possible to hear the evening news without someone getting shot and killed. It seems as though the poor are most affected. If we do not have an outlet, what will we do or where will we go? If we as a society decided to spend most of our time focusing on God and reading his word instead of being more focused on television, Facebook, texting and the Internet. What kind of society would we be? All these things are distractions that the enemy uses to get us away from our real purpose. We were put here on earth to honor our creator but as we can see the enemy has been disrupting this from the beginning. Why does it seem so hard to believe that we are all brothers and sisters. We are also sons and daughters of the most high God. How can one persons' life be more important, or valuable than another. Evidently Jesus did not think so because he died on Calvary for you and me and anyone who believes. If someone died for us shouldn't it be enough for us to understand. I know life can let us down, and sometimes it seems as if we are all alone but believing in the positive things in life and not allowing our negative feelings and situations get the best of us is what we need to work on. God did not say it would be easy but having him to call and depend on is much better than going it alone.
Matthew 11:30 states " for my burden is easy and my yoke is light. Jesus has given us many reasons to know that he truly love and care about us. We are not alone in this because someone greater than us took our sins and got on the cross for us. We are precious and very valuable to Jesus Christ, so we cannot let sin, people or the trouble life gives discourage us from believing that we each are truly precious, and valuable in his eyes. If we understand how valuable we are then maybe we will understand how valuable the next person is and then we can allow love to overpower and rule us instead of hate.
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