God’s personal name, as we have learned over the years is YHWH, Yahweh, or Jehovah. At the burning bush, the LORD identified himself as the “I AM,” the self-existing one, the one not dependent on anyone or anything else (Exodus 3). He is not just any God. He is different and distinct from the imaginary gods of the nations. He wants those who pray to him to know him personally and individually. He is a God who identifies himself in terms of those who rely upon him. He is the “God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”When I first heard " I Am For God's name I must admit that it did not mean much to me. Now that I have had more time to delve into his word I have a better understanding. I Am to me, means, I Am and there is no other, I Am God, and there is only one God, I Am everything and all that you need, I Am the Great I Am and there is no one else greater... So I thank the Lord because he is who he is, there is no one else in which to compare him to, therefore I love him because he loved me first.

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