To know Jesus is to have a personal relationship with him. To have a personal relationship with him means pulling out and dusting off that bible that has been sitting on that shelf for so long. Just going to church and hearing what the pastor says and doing nothing with what you have learned is not having a personal relationship. The bible says that in that day many will say Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, cast out demons in thy name, and done many wonders in thy name, Matthew 7:23 And then I will declare to them 'I never knew you, depart from me ye workers of iniquity.
I realized that to know Jesus is to love God. Jesus said" I have done nothing of my own will, everything I do, I do according to the will of my father who sent me. So if it is important for Jesus to obey God it is ever so much for us to obey God also. I have heard some people say that Jesus is the white mans God and where is the black mans God. Other races of people honor someone within their own culture based on their own beliefs.
I believe in Jesus Christ. Do I have a picture in my house of the figure that everyone else believes is Jesus? No I do not. Deuteronomy 5:8 Do not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. We are all here as people and regardless of race we were all created by one God who had one son who sent his son to die for all of us who chooses to believe. I choose to believe, I choose to believe because God has never let me down yet. (Man has let me down, so called friends have let me down, governments let people down). I choose to have a personal relationship with him because he first chose me. I did not wake up one day and say let me start believing in God. God has a way of drawing us close to him and getting our attention. When so many things start to happen in your life and you can't seem to get control, that may be God trying to get your attention. I remember when I was a child and my aunt would leave the house to go to market she would always pray. Her prayer was for God to carry her to her destination safely and when she got home she thanked him again for bringing her home safe. I use her as a guide in my life because she was a believer. I cannot let society dictate to me how I should believe or should I believe. I know without a doubt that God exist and I need him in my life at all times because I cannot do it alone. Believing in God satisfies me. I don't spend time trying to see how many people I can take advantage of today. I don't spend time trying to cause confusion in other peoples lives. I spend my day meditating on his word and listening to songs which glorify Him. I recently had someone tell me that it feels good to be evil and I love being evil. We must be careful in making statements such as these and taking it upon our selves to do evil. To do evil is not of God but yet this came out of the mouth of someone who is a regular church goer. The Lord says " They declare me with their mouth but their heart is far from me. If I truly love the Lord then I will do all I can to please him. Some people are so intent on pleasing others that they forget that their purpose in life is to please God.
When we know Jesus we do his will. When we love God we follow his commandments. John 21:17 a third time he said to him, Simon son of John, do you love me? Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, do you love me? He said, lord you know all things; you know that I love you" Jesus said " Feed My Sheep.
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