Jeremiah 9:16 I will scatter them among the nations that neither they nor their fathers have known and I will pursue them with the sword until I have made an end of them.
Who are you? Who am I? I often wondered why most pastors seem to disregard the old testament and would only preach from the new testament. I thought that if God gave someone the inspiration to preach then that person would preach the word in order to save the spiritual soul of the flock. I still cannot understand why the church is ruled by others and dictate what pastors should preach.
The truth will always remain the truth. It cannot stay hidden for two long. I often wondered what did the bible mean when it said that the whole world would believe the lie. I have asked myself " what lie will the world believe. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. Could the lie that the world believes be that Jesus is blond and has blue eyes. No one knows what Jesus looks like but yet many people have the same picture in their homes believing that this is Jesus. Back in the early 90's I went to visit a catholic church and downstairs in the basement was a picture depicting Jesus except the picture was of a black Jesus. I had never seen that before and I thought how interesting. Could this delusion be the belief of Sunday being the holy day when God ordained the sabbath in Genesis after he created the earth and everything in it. Or could it be that the true Israelites are black which is depicted in deuteronomy 28:48 Therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the lord will send against you, in hunger, in thirst in nakedness, and in the lack of all things; He will put a iron yolk around your neck until he has destroyed you. I have read that chapter and I have heard that many races of people were slaves at one time or another but there is no other people on this planet that fits the description better than the black Americans who were enslaved. There are pictures to prove it. Yes, we can say that blacks are cursed but not in the way others would like blacks to believe. My kinky hair is not a curse, nor is my black skin. My nose or features prominent to being black are not curses. The curses that blacks has inherited are curses from disobeying God, for turning our backs on God. Whether we are Jew, Greek, gentile Arabic, Asian, indian whomever we are, we should be giving honor, Glory, and praises to our God. There is only one God and one mediator Jesus Christ. Whomever does not believe in the son does not believe in the father because they are one in the same.
God has set aside a people as his own. This would explain why black people has no knowledge of who they really are. This is why so many are lost. I am not talking about returning to Africa. I am talking about returning to God. As his word says in revelation return to your first love. God is our first love. Not the liquor, so many liquor stores on every corner put their for our demise. Not the drugs, it will only keep you more confused and unable to rise from the ashes. Not the material things, it only blinds you from seeing who you really are. Not the money, money is the root of all evil. If only we truly saw ourselves as sons and daughters of the most High God. A God who is holy and seeks a people who is holy and is called by his name.
The wrongs and injustices that has taken place will never stop as long as we continue to disobey God. He says rend your heart, we must return wholeheartedly. He is holy so his people should be holy by living holy. Jesus said repent because the kingdom is at hand. We do not have time to waste. Repent everyone, because evil lurks. He created all of us and we all need saving. Peace and love to whoever reads this.
The Most High GOD of Israel established Laws, Statutes, and Judgments for all peoples who fear HIM to do and live in truth and in righteousness (Micah 2:7). This Great and Terrible GOD knew of all the wickedness and abominations that influenced everyone to do evil. Therefore, this Merciful GOD gave HIS Law to be kept forever (II Kings 17:37) to make one wise and even prosperous (Joshua 1:7,8). They are not void and never were. This GOD that so generously gave of HIS Paths of Righteousness is also OUR LIFE, and HE is alive and well!
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