As the world spins on its axis Life also seems to be spinning out of control. Lately yahoo is displaying a number of mothers killing their children. One woman threw her child over the bridge and then she jumped. I have seen desperate times. Times when I had no job, no money and no one to call on. It was especially harder for me because I had 2 young children to care for. I did not have an immediate family in which to turn to. My family was in another country. I can honestly say without a doubt that It was the grace of Christ Jesus that saw me through. I thank God that I got through those years. Suicide was never a thought nor an answer for me. I always believed that if I gave up on life then I would be giving up on God. In my opinion to give up on God means that don't believe that he has the ability to help me and suicide would be my last resort, not true. I remember once some years ago when my daughter was not quite 2 and It was just the two of us. I remember looking in the cabinet and seeing absolutely nothing to eat for the next day. My phone was off and I had no money for the pay phone. I believe I had just lost my car so I was feeling really bad. I did not try to contact anyone that I knew probably because I did not want them to know my dilemma. I went to bed that night wondering what am I going to feed my child for the next day. Just to show you how God works. At 9:30am the following day someone is knocking at my door. (Mind you I told absolutely no one that I was hungry and had nothing to feed myself nor my child). It happens to be my babysitter. She sent her daughter to my house with a basket of food. To this day I wonder how on earth did she know. What on earth made her send me a basket of food? She had never done this before. I said that I had never told anyone my situation. I do not remember if I even prayed about it. Sometimes we can become so overwhelmed that we forget to pray and ask the Lord to intervene. I can honestly say that it was no one else but God who told her to send me that basket that day. I don't care who says I am crazy but
I thank the Lord greatly for saving my life because he has definitely saved my life more than once. I hope that I always remember to honor and give him praise. Times are hard and it is getting much harder. The only honest and sincere answer that I see is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are in the days where disasters are happening one after another. This is not the time to give up. This is the time to be steadfast in prayer. Revelation
2:10 States,
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation 10 days; be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
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