There is the wide road which leads to places unknown and there is the narrow road. The bible says broad is the road that leads to destruction and many are on it. Narrow is the road that leads to everlasting life and few find it. What road are you on. Did you decide to take the broad road. Maybe the broad road has peaked your curiosity. As the saying goes" curiosity killed the cat. Who are you listening to when you make the decision to take the broad road. There is someone who gets joy out of people doing wrong. He hates us, all of us. Don't get it twisted. Satan is a liar and a deceiver who has no love for anyone. I hear there are followers of satan. Wow. What has the devil done for us that we should be so willing as to worship him. Is it he who created the earth, sun, moon, stars, ocean animals and us. Absolutely not. The one who created all of this is the one we should be seeking. He is the most High God. The one who said if we would seek his face and hearken our ears and rend our hearts he would heal us. He would heal our land, he would bless us in the field. Everywhere our feet goes he would bless. We would increase and not decrease. He would bless our womb, even our animals would be blessed. Just remember there is the highway to hell and there is the highway to heaven, this is very real. God Bless.
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