Friday, January 1, 2016

A Revelation!!!

A Revelation!!!!
 Every thing in this world and beyond is created. God created the heavens and the earth. As he spoke to his son, Jesus Christ, in Genesis 1:26 he said, "Let us make man in our image." This means that Jesus is not a created being and that he was there from the beginning with the father in Heaven. However, long before mankind was created the Angels were there in Heaven. We all know the story Satan and 2/3 of the Angels rebelled. Ezekiel 28:15 states, "thou was perfect in all thy ways from the day thou was created until iniquity was found in you." This creates the assumption that the iniquity in satan took place before mankind was created. 
   As I begin to give this thought I realized that the power of God is totally unimaginable to the human mind. I am running with the belief that Satan had no idea that God would create a people (who are a little less than the Angels) to worship him. Imagine thinking that you have all power, power to overthrow the one who created you; only to find out that your power is very limited. (Remember, the potter creates what he wants with the clay.) All the power that Satan has, God allows. So Satan comes and takes my job and income away from me, he also takes relationships away from me, my life is in his hands to do as he pleases. He has removed family and friends, he has bought in sickness and pain. I see some people on the corner begging for a handout, some are homeless, some don't have their right mind. Many are searching for the answer, and the answer is God.  
  As people we get so caught up in our own little thoughts that we are not able to see the bigger picture. Despite what it looks like God still has a plan and his plan surpasses me, you and any evil or force on this Earth. Even though Satan enticed Eve to disobey The Most High plan is not annulled. Even though Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden and all those curses were handed down to us, Gods plan still stands.

God created us to serve him. This takes me to Matthew 3:9, "and do not think you can say to yourselves 'we have Abraham as our father' for I say to you that out of these stones God is able to raise up children unto Abraham." I guess what I am trying to say is satan assumed he knew everything. He also assumed that he could take the kingdom away from God. The bible does say that in Isaiah 14:14, "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High." Our Heavenly Father knew this and knew that some of us would fall victim to Satan's trap so he made a way for forgiveness by sending his son as a sacrificial lamb. 

The book of Enoch gives reference to Satan and the Angels who rebelled going before Enoch and asking him to go before the Lord to plead their case. How can God forgive them for what they have done? They have completely changed everything. Isn't it a beautiful thing to know that God will forgive us? We don't have to live in sin. His word says "the soul that sin must die. Through the blood of Jesus Christ we all have the opportunity to shun evil and live with Christ for eternity. To live the life that God first intended. So it looks like his promises remains the same. Gods first plan from the beginning still stands, we will live with him in peace and harmony. There will be no more tears, and God knows that I have shed many, there will be no more death, no more sickness, no more sin, no more lying, no more hate. Gods first intention to make a world void of sin still stands for those who believe. Now if you love this world and all that it offers please continue doing you, but I wish for that city called Zion, the city of God to reign for all eternity. 

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