Sunday, August 28, 2016

              Drunken Stupor!!!!

The world is in a drunken stupor. We go about our day to day in a brain washed state, not seeing reality for what it truly is. So many lies being said. The lies are now facts and the facts  are now lies. Many are waking up but so many are still asleep. You claim you care but the only thing I see you doing is feeding me your poisons. The air I breathe, the food I eat and the water I drink are all poisons. Nothing seems safe. If it's safe today it will not be tomorrow. I feel like I'm eating Frankenstein food. It has no flavor. Everything must be labeled. I never thought I would see the day when everything needs to be questioned. Back in the day I would go to the grocery store and just purchase something if I liked it. Now I must read the labels to everything to make sure it's not hazardous to my health.
  I am quite sure that the foods that our ancestors ate was free from all of these poisons. Although Jehovah cursed the ground our ancestors did not need fertilizer. I'm sitting here reading about Solomon and the food set before him and I can just imagine the smells and flavor of the different foods presented at the Kings table. We have electronics and different gadgets to keep us occupied but I believe that this is the dumbest generation on the planet. How Can a generation who does not believe in the almighty survive. We get mad at other countries for chopping people's heads off and we are grossed out by it but we willingly run to an abortion clinic and kill our own unborn child. No sin is greater that the next because sin is sin. We have all the answers but still and yet we have no answer. I call this the dumbest generation because we cherish money over  life. Samuel 23:3,4...The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds, as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after the rain.
  I have heard some people say they are descendants of King David . Well the bible says that Jesus is also a descendant of King David. If these people with their false claims were true descendants of our Lord and Savior or they would do the will of his father. The Ten Commandments would be followed. Rulers would not toss is commandments to the side as if it's trash but give the world your vulgar , deceitful laws as if it's right. This is why the world is in a stupor. The laws we should be protecting is the one they are trying shamelessly to do without. Do as thou will and you will find yourself in hell. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah received fire and brimstone from heaven. The bible is true, God is real and life should be precious. However don't be surprised when you find out that there really is a hell, and God is real. We have no excuse. Don't let the laws fool you run back to the commandments of God and save your soul.

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