Love is the basics for human survival. love is also what Jesus told us to do. The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all our heart, mind and spirit. Second commandment is to love thy neighbor as thyself. I believe it's one of the hardest things to do for human beings. We tend to hold grudges against one another.
The world is in a desperate place right now. There seems to be no love for each other. We laugh and we talk to each other but everything appears to be so superficial. We seem so busy going about our lives. So many people are on their cell phone being captivated by social media. Not much love being displayed. People just seem so angry. They even drive angry and everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. We have lost touch with reality. We don't communicate verbally anymore. For instance I have a cousin on a social media app, instead of saying how are you? How are your daughters? She sends videos. Where is the communication? If the world would spend more time trying to love one another, we as a whole would be in a better place. There is a reason the Lord told us to love each other. The Bible says that love conquers a multitude of sins. We have to take time to let go of the day to day stresses of life. We take things too serious. Learn to forgive and let God almighty take over. I do not have time to overload my heart with hate and confusion. Life is too short. Sometimes we have to show others love in order for them to understand that love is so much easier and rewarding than hate. Yes there are some people who are bent on hating. We must leave those people alone, still treat them kindly, with love and pray for them. Maybe one day they will learn. To anyone who reads this May The Creator of heaven and earth set his Love, Grace and Mercy upon you. May your life be blessed with Gods goodness, and may you find it in your heart to forgive others the same way Jesus Christ has forgiven you.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018
As a child I loved going to church. I would always sit in the back row with my cousins so we could see everyone coming in. I remember whenever the church would play a certain song one particular member who was an older lady would be running up and down the isle shouting loudly and falling on the floor. I suppose she got the Holy Spirit. I remember being afraid of catching the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. I did not quite understand it so I was afraid of it. I miss those years of hearing about the Lord and the innocence of knowing that I have done nothing that could send me to hell. Now being an adult and reading the Bible for myself has allowed me to see that there is a lot to learn in regards to church. You don't just go to hear a good word. I want to go because I need to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to me. I get caught up in my day to day life and do not always pray. I don't remember those psalms like I use to. Now I need a little help with staying positive spiritually. I need to hear the word that says Jesus is coming soon. I need to hear the word that speaks to my soul. That word that says the soul that sins must die. That word that has me cringing in my seat because I know that I cannot continue with my life this way. Holiness, truth, mercy, justice and love must be ever present in my day to day. The commandments must be preached to all. So many people own a bible but few take time to read it. I will never know what the Good Lord say if I never read his word. The preacher keeps talking about prosperity. God wants us to prosper but not in sin. I need to be mindful of everything that I do. If I am never told that something is wrong then how will I know that I need to change. The Bible says woe to the wicked pastors. The pastors have fled and are no longer feeding the sheep. There are many sheeps but they are lost. They are lost as to who they truly are. If the Israelites were shipped to the four corners of the world, with chains around the necks and feet then who are you. What people were chained hand and foot. What people watched their sons and daughters sold for a morsel of bread or a bottle of wine. What people were enslaved for 400 years in Egypt and enslaved once again in the Americas. Yet God's children are perishing each day. The Bible says my people perish from lack of knowledge. I just wished pastors would start worrying about the many souls being lost instead of how many members he has this week and how much money did the church make this week. I need help, he needs help, she needs help, my God we all need help. By this I mean that we all need the word of God preached to us in a way which will convert or return us back to our father who art in heaven... overall I enjoyed church and miss that little building where I felt safe because I thought God was there.
Church should be a place that I go to in order to grow in the word not grow away from the word. I am sure we have all heard our body is the temple Hod should abide in not a physical building. So is my temple clean from sin. Can the Lord reside in my temple. Ask yourself that question and you will know where you are with Jesus Christ.
As a child I loved going to church. I would always sit in the back row with my cousins so we could see everyone coming in. I remember whenever the church would play a certain song one particular member who was an older lady would be running up and down the isle shouting loudly and falling on the floor. I suppose she got the Holy Spirit. I remember being afraid of catching the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. I did not quite understand it so I was afraid of it. I miss those years of hearing about the Lord and the innocence of knowing that I have done nothing that could send me to hell. Now being an adult and reading the Bible for myself has allowed me to see that there is a lot to learn in regards to church. You don't just go to hear a good word. I want to go because I need to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to me. I get caught up in my day to day life and do not always pray. I don't remember those psalms like I use to. Now I need a little help with staying positive spiritually. I need to hear the word that says Jesus is coming soon. I need to hear the word that speaks to my soul. That word that says the soul that sins must die. That word that has me cringing in my seat because I know that I cannot continue with my life this way. Holiness, truth, mercy, justice and love must be ever present in my day to day. The commandments must be preached to all. So many people own a bible but few take time to read it. I will never know what the Good Lord say if I never read his word. The preacher keeps talking about prosperity. God wants us to prosper but not in sin. I need to be mindful of everything that I do. If I am never told that something is wrong then how will I know that I need to change. The Bible says woe to the wicked pastors. The pastors have fled and are no longer feeding the sheep. There are many sheeps but they are lost. They are lost as to who they truly are. If the Israelites were shipped to the four corners of the world, with chains around the necks and feet then who are you. What people were chained hand and foot. What people watched their sons and daughters sold for a morsel of bread or a bottle of wine. What people were enslaved for 400 years in Egypt and enslaved once again in the Americas. Yet God's children are perishing each day. The Bible says my people perish from lack of knowledge. I just wished pastors would start worrying about the many souls being lost instead of how many members he has this week and how much money did the church make this week. I need help, he needs help, she needs help, my God we all need help. By this I mean that we all need the word of God preached to us in a way which will convert or return us back to our father who art in heaven... overall I enjoyed church and miss that little building where I felt safe because I thought God was there.
Church should be a place that I go to in order to grow in the word not grow away from the word. I am sure we have all heard our body is the temple Hod should abide in not a physical building. So is my temple clean from sin. Can the Lord reside in my temple. Ask yourself that question and you will know where you are with Jesus Christ.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
If only I could touch the hem of his garment!!!!!
If I could only touch the hem of his garment!!!
Someone close to me underwent a medical procedure last week. Whenever sickness or anything out of the ordinary affects me or my immediate family I instill lots of prayer to get through. I am someone who strongly believes in God but gets very nervous when confronted with challenges. On this day, I was waiting outside when I started to feel overwhelmed. For some reason I needed to pray and pray often. So while waiting in the car outside I started to pray. I also kept falling asleep but would wake up on intervals. My body was sensing something out of the ordinary. I cannot describe it but whatever it was I needed to pray. I kept praying, speaking Gods word out loud and repeating the 23rd psalm in my head. I felt as though my prayers were not getting through. I wanted to get out of the car, stand outside and have a talk with Jesus. It's as though I needed to see and speak with him face to face. While feeling this way I imagined, if he was here , what would he say. So I found myself answering the question' so you need to see Jesus in order to believe. And of course he would answer " oh ye of little faith. I wanted to be like the lady in the Bible who touched the hem of his garment. She wanted to be healed and I wanted to be heard.
I wanted Jesus to come down and stand beside me. I needed him to take my hand and let me know that everything will be alright. When others are going through trials and adversity I have told them to just pray. Pray over your circumstance , pray over your children, pray over your loved ones. If you want to see change then prayer is your best answer. Jesus prayed while he was here on earth and he told us to believe that our prayer will be answered because if you have the slightest doubt then your prayer is annulled. It just so happens that on this particular day I felt as though something was blocking my prayer from being heard. Through it all I did not give up and by evening time I felt much better. It's not that God does not hear us nor want to heal us but I am coming to the conclusion that there are forces in the spirit realm who tries to block our prayers from getting through. With this knowledge I encourage every believer to not lose focus. Never give up and to keep our mind on the prize which is everlasting life with Jesus Christ
Someone close to me underwent a medical procedure last week. Whenever sickness or anything out of the ordinary affects me or my immediate family I instill lots of prayer to get through. I am someone who strongly believes in God but gets very nervous when confronted with challenges. On this day, I was waiting outside when I started to feel overwhelmed. For some reason I needed to pray and pray often. So while waiting in the car outside I started to pray. I also kept falling asleep but would wake up on intervals. My body was sensing something out of the ordinary. I cannot describe it but whatever it was I needed to pray. I kept praying, speaking Gods word out loud and repeating the 23rd psalm in my head. I felt as though my prayers were not getting through. I wanted to get out of the car, stand outside and have a talk with Jesus. It's as though I needed to see and speak with him face to face. While feeling this way I imagined, if he was here , what would he say. So I found myself answering the question' so you need to see Jesus in order to believe. And of course he would answer " oh ye of little faith. I wanted to be like the lady in the Bible who touched the hem of his garment. She wanted to be healed and I wanted to be heard.
I wanted Jesus to come down and stand beside me. I needed him to take my hand and let me know that everything will be alright. When others are going through trials and adversity I have told them to just pray. Pray over your circumstance , pray over your children, pray over your loved ones. If you want to see change then prayer is your best answer. Jesus prayed while he was here on earth and he told us to believe that our prayer will be answered because if you have the slightest doubt then your prayer is annulled. It just so happens that on this particular day I felt as though something was blocking my prayer from being heard. Through it all I did not give up and by evening time I felt much better. It's not that God does not hear us nor want to heal us but I am coming to the conclusion that there are forces in the spirit realm who tries to block our prayers from getting through. With this knowledge I encourage every believer to not lose focus. Never give up and to keep our mind on the prize which is everlasting life with Jesus Christ
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Bondage. ....
The state of being a slave. Slavery, enslavement, oppression, persecution, subjugation, servitude, binding tying, binding or restraining someone handcuffs, ropes, involuntary servitude.
The black man and the black woman has been enslaved longer than any race of people on this planet.
I'm in bondage. A slave to sin. 400 years in Egypt. 400 years in the Americas. 75 years in Babylon. 40 years of wondering in the Sinai desert. When will it end. When will I learn. From generation to generation I am in bondage. I am tired of being enslaved and in bondage. So they removed the chains from my feet and ankles but now I am enslaved to financial disparity, enslaved to this society which has my mind, trying hard to take my spirit. This society which has me working hard for a dollar. Trying to decide my fate and stopping me from seeing tomorrow. Where are my children? Will they live past these horrors? Why so many years, so many tears. The shedding of innocent blood. Why am I so hard headed and stiff necked. A people who refuse to change their way is a people who refuse to acknowledge their wrong. When will I stop believing falsehood. When will I start to see the truth. The truth is, some people don't want to hear the truth. They would rather believe the lie. Why is the truth so hard for me to believe. Is it easier for me to accept lies. Ok, I'll accept the lies. I will walk with my head down, my pants hanging low, my cleavage out for the world to see, my skirts or dresses worn high, because I need attention, or am I just a slave to sin. Or maybe the people who make the clothes wants me to indulge in promiscuity knowing that it only leads to sin. Living in this brainwashed sinful world. Trying to change right to wrong and wrong to right. Maybe the whole idea is that my mind would be so captivated with the things of this world such as feeding my flesh. Wow, again and again, a slave to sin. So busy pleasing the world that I have forgotten about God. Remember him. When did I last have communion with him. When did I last walk with him. When did I last talk to him. When did I last ask him to lead me in the path of righteousness. When has my soul cried out Abba, Father. When will I know that as long as I am cut off from the Son I am also cut off from the Father. Why do I think that because I sit in church I am saved. Why do I believe that once saved always saved. Why do I believe that all I have to do is say this little prayer and everything will be fine. I don't go to church like I use to but I am saved. I whisper and gossip about my friends and neighbors but I am saved. I treat others like dirt but I am saved. I lie on people who have never done anything to me but I am saved. I murder and will curse you out but I am saved. I have relationship with men as well as women but I am saved. I am a seed of Israel, seed of the Lion of the King of Judah and I eat every unclean thing known to man but I am saved. I will talk God today and be evil as heck tomorrow but I am saved. I run with envy, jealousy and malice but I am saved. I will do the wrong before I do the right but I am saved. When I see others less fortunate that me I will talk about them like a dog but I am saved. I hate you with every breath in me but I am still saved. No wonder many are called but few are chosen. So many will say but Lord I did this in your name and he will say depart from me I never knew you. If Jesus says he never knew me doesn't this mean that I also never knew him. God is not pleased with any of this. I need to come clean with this faith of mines. We get a kick out of other people's downfall, we kick them while they are down. Is this the same reason that he said that he will have indignation with the Edomites forever. When Israel was in the desert and God punished them didn't they rob, stole and murdered some of them. Didn't they laugh at their downfall. Did not they look at their situation and was happy in their heart. Happy to see another man down. God is not pleased with this world. I believe God is angry and who can stop his wrath from taking place. Who is bold enough to call themselves righteous enough to tell God what he can and cannot do. As Jesus told the people who were about to stone Mary magdalene whoever has no sin let him cast the first stone. If you are bold enough keep tempting God. If you don' t believe in a God keep living how you are living. If you have not notice the changes taking place in this world keep laughing and playing because your life is in your hands and you have full control of your tomorrow. When will I understand that their is only one way to escape this life of servitude, slavery, deprivation and bondage. All the money in the world will not fix my situation. We all know that money simply is the root of all evil. Some people rob, steal, and kill for money. What exactly is the time of jacob's trouble? Jacob are you ready? Are you ready for the trials which is coming? Are you ready to be washed from your filthy ways. The filth that has kept you away from your God. The reason you have been in bondage for so long. Are you ready to change from your filthy garments and be made clean. Are you ready to be cleansed from all filthinest and be made whole. Are you ready to be tried in the fire and be purified? Malachi 3:2 But who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appeareth ? For he is like a refiners fire and like fullers soap. And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi and purge as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. Who and what will it take to change. Only God can change me. I have been in the wilderness for too long. I have been in bondage for too long. I have been in slavery for too long. Thank God for his mercy, however, Does the Bible say if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Time and time again the word says" if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways....I'm going to take it that we all know the rest of that passage
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Salvation is Free!!!!!
Are u so blind that you don't see
The truth is there right in your face
Remove the vale from your eyes
Aren't you tired of walking in darkness?
My people perish from lack of knowledge.
It's like taking 2 steps forward and 10 steps backwards.
Tricks of the trade I suppose.
Question everything and believe nothing until you know the truth.
I got a pot of gold for you, but what is it really worth.
Nation and kingdoms succumb to this, what makes you think that you are any better.
Who am I, I'm that one you don't want to meet in a dark alley. I'm like a train hitting you at full speed, you don't know what hit you until it's too late. It's too late to turn back now. I'm in too deep.
Lights, glamour fame fortune. Who knew it would be like this. Innocence being stolen, lives being taken, my mind is playing tricks on me. I can't understand, how did I get here. Is it all worth it? Blood, pain and sorrows, why didn't someone warn me. Why didn't I listen. This is a hard game to play, Satan seems to be the winner, but God is the answer. Take my house, take my car, take my money. This all comes at a cost, but salvation is free. I want out, no matter the cost. I can't keep fooling myself. I just can't keep lying to myself. I can't keep misleading the youth, life is short and life can be sweet but not when you are living in misery. Eternity is forever so let me do the math. Live 90 years maybe 100, for what, for this. You must be mad. So eternity in hell where the worms do not die, and the fire is not quenched or eternity with the one who died for me. The one who shed his blood for me, the carpenter, the one who went to prepare a place for me. In my fathers house their are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you.....
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