Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Salvation is Free!!!!!

Are u so blind that you don't see
The truth is there right in your face
Remove the vale  from your eyes
Aren't you tired of walking in darkness? 
My people perish from lack of knowledge. 
It's like taking 2 steps forward and 10 steps backwards. 
Tricks of the trade I suppose. 
Question everything and believe nothing until you know the truth.
I got a pot of gold for you, but what is it really worth. 
Nation and kingdoms succumb to this, what makes you think that you are any better. 
Who am I, I'm that one you don't want to meet in a dark alley. I'm like a train hitting you at full speed, you don't know what hit you until it's too late. It's too late to turn back now. I'm in too deep. 
Lights, glamour fame fortune. Who knew it would be like this. Innocence being stolen, lives being taken, my mind is playing tricks on me. I can't understand, how did I get here. Is it all worth it? Blood, pain and sorrows, why didn't someone warn me. Why didn't I listen. This is a hard game to play, Satan seems to be the winner, but God is the answer. Take my house, take my car, take my money. This all comes at a cost, but salvation is free. I want out, no matter the cost. I can't keep fooling myself. I just can't keep lying to myself. I can't keep misleading the youth, life is short and life can be sweet but not when you are living in misery. Eternity is forever so let me do the math. Live 90 years maybe 100, for what, for this. You must be mad. So eternity in hell where the worms do not die, and the fire is not quenched or eternity with the one who died for me. The one who shed his blood for me, the carpenter, the one who went to prepare a place for me. In my fathers house their are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you.....

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