Saturday, May 3, 2014

Adam and Eve

Genesis 2: 23-24 

And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. 
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one 

Many marriages today need to be God fearing and Godly inspired. From the beginning marriage was instituted not by man but by God. Mankind however has twisted and tossed God out of their marriages believing that their  love is enough to hold it together. We must first love God and understand his love for us before we can begin to say that we love someone else. We need to understand what it means to be sons and daughters of the most high God. If my father is a great king then this means that I am a  child of a king who should be treated with honor and the upmost respect but society has removed God so now we are severely disrespecting one another. Many people get married for money, companionship, lust,  and appearance, while the true meaning of love is no where to be found.  One of the greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all our soul, mind and strength and the next greatest commandment is to love your neighbor the way we love ourselves which is found in the book of Mathew  22:36-40 
Marriage is between a man and a woman and anything outside of this no longer has God in it. God also called for us to not be divorced but many people rush quickly into marriage and rush quickly out of marriage. Love is the grounds for everything in life because when we know the true meaning of love, the love that God implemented from the beginning we would not allow ourselves to be taken for granted, used and abused, disrespected, manipulated, lied to, nor could we find it in our hearts to do these things to others. If we sit and watch television programs, television will have two people meet and ten minutes later they love each other and within another ten minutes they are married and within another day they are raising a family. Well the satire to this is that television is not a true dipiction of the real world. Society says its ok for people to have sex before they are married. Who are we allowing to make the rules and whose rules are we following? Are these Gods rules or mankind? Without the Lord leading things disintegrate and fall apart. We must remember that we are here to serve the Lord and not our selves. I am quite certain that if my grandparents and your grandparents were still Living that they would still be married. Hebrews 13:4 states,  Marriage should be held in honor among all and the marriage bed undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral, fornicators, and adulterers.

I myself have allowed society to lead me in the wrong direction. I did not recognize my faults and mistakes until I started reading the bible regularly and asking God for forgiveness. Now I see the road I have traveled and understand why God implemented marriage. Not only is marriage used for procreation but true love between a man and a woman is blessed by God and his word says  Mark 10:9 " what God has joined together let no man put asunder".  Knowing this should help us make better choices in the relationships we seek. Are we treating the other person the way God said we should? Are we doing unto others as we would have them do to us?. 
Now back to Adam and Eve ! Why do we suppose they stayed together? Could it simply be because God created her as his wife. When we honor each other in union we also honor God because we are his bride which is the church.

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