Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Keeping me in darkness but the light has shined!!!!

Keeping you in the dark!!

Jeremiah 9:16 I will scatter them among the nations that neither they nor their fathers have known and I will pursue them with the sword until I have made an end of them.

Who are you? Who am I? I often wondered why most pastors seem to disregard the old testament and would only preach from the new testament. I thought that if God gave someone the inspiration to preach then that person would preach the word in order to save the spiritual soul of the flock. I still cannot understand why the church is ruled by others and dictate what pastors should preach. 
The truth will always remain the truth. It cannot stay hidden for two long. I often wondered what did the bible mean when it said that the whole world would believe the lie. I have asked myself " what lie will the world believe. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. Could the lie that the world believes be that Jesus is blond and has blue eyes. No one knows what Jesus looks like but yet many people have the same picture in their homes believing that this is Jesus. Back in the early 90's I went to visit a catholic church and downstairs in the basement was a picture depicting Jesus except the picture was of a black Jesus. I had never seen that before and I thought how interesting. Could this delusion be the belief of Sunday being the holy day when God ordained the sabbath in Genesis after he created the earth and everything in it. Or could it be that the true Israelites are black which is depicted in deuteronomy 28:48 Therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the lord will send against you, in hunger, in thirst in nakedness, and in the lack of all things; He will put a iron yolk around your neck until he has destroyed you. I   have read that chapter and I have heard that many races of people were slaves at one time or another but there is no other people on this planet that fits the description better than the black Americans who were enslaved. There are pictures to prove it. Yes, we can say that blacks are cursed but not in the way others would like blacks to believe. My kinky hair is not a curse, nor is my black skin. My nose or features prominent to being black are not curses. The curses that blacks has inherited are curses from disobeying God, for turning our backs on God. Whether we are Jew, Greek, gentile Arabic, Asian, indian whomever we are, we should be giving honor, Glory, and praises to our God. There is only one God and one mediator Jesus Christ. Whomever does not believe in the son does not believe in the father because they are one in the same. 
God has set aside a people as his own. This would explain why black people has no knowledge of who they really are. This is why so many are lost. I am not talking about returning to Africa. I am talking about returning to God. As his word says in revelation return to your first love. God is our first love. Not the liquor, so many liquor stores on every corner put their for our demise. Not the drugs, it will only keep you more confused and unable to rise from the ashes.  Not the material things, it only blinds you from seeing who you really are. Not the money, money is the root of all evil. If only we truly saw ourselves as sons and daughters of the most High God. A God who is holy and seeks a people who is holy and is called by his name. 
The wrongs and injustices that has taken place will never stop as long as we continue to  disobey God. He says rend your heart, we must return wholeheartedly. He is holy so his people should be holy by living holy. Jesus said repent because the kingdom is at hand. We do not have time to waste. Repent everyone, because evil lurks.  He created all of us and we all need saving. Peace and love to whoever reads this.

The Most High GOD of Israel established Laws, Statutes, and Judgments for all peoples who fear HIM to do and live in truth and in righteousness (Micah 2:7). This Great and Terrible GOD knew of all the wickedness and abominations that influenced everyone to do evil. Therefore, this Merciful GOD gave HIS Law to be kept forever (II Kings 17:37) to make one wise and even prosperous (Joshua 1:7,8). They are not void and never were. This GOD that so generously gave of HIS Paths of Righteousness is also OUR LIFE, and HE is alive and well!
Taken from thelawkeepers.org

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Never give up!!!

As the world spins on its axis  Life also seems to be spinning out of control. Lately yahoo is displaying a number of mothers killing their children. One woman threw her child over the bridge and then she jumped. I have seen desperate times. Times when I had no job, no money and no one to call on. It was especially harder for me because I had 2 young children to care for. I did not have an immediate family in which to turn to. My family was in another country. I can honestly say without a doubt that It was the grace of Christ Jesus that saw me through. I thank God that I got through those years. Suicide  was never a thought nor an answer for me.  I always believed that if I gave up on life then I would be giving up on God. In my opinion to give up on God means that don't believe that he has the ability to help me and suicide would be my last resort, not true.   I remember once some years ago when my daughter was not quite 2 and It was just the two of us. I remember looking in the cabinet and seeing absolutely nothing to eat for the next day. My phone was off and I had no money for the pay phone. I believe I had just lost my car so I was feeling really bad. I did not try to contact anyone that I knew probably because I did not want them to know my dilemma. I went to bed that night wondering what am I going to feed my child for the next day. Just to show you how God works. At 9:30am the following day someone is knocking at my door. (Mind you I told absolutely no one that I was hungry and had nothing to feed myself nor my child). It happens to be my babysitter. She sent her daughter to my house with a basket of food. To this day I wonder how on earth did she know. What on earth made her send me a basket of food? She had never done this before. I said that I had never told anyone my situation. I do not remember if I even prayed about it. Sometimes we can become so overwhelmed that we forget to pray and ask the Lord to intervene. I can honestly say that it was no one else but God who told her to send me that basket that day. I don't care who says I am crazy but 
 I thank the Lord greatly for saving my life because he has definitely saved my life more than once. I hope that I always remember to honor and give him praise. Times are hard and it is getting much harder. The only honest and sincere answer that I see is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are in the days where disasters are happening one after another. This is not the time to give up. This is the time to be steadfast in prayer. Revelation 2:10 States, 
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation 10 days; be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I believe in Prayer!!!

Prayer moves mountains!!!

I remember one year in 5th grade  I received a small little red bible which contained the new testament. I read it and read it and read it. I really got into reading that bible.  It was small and easy to understand. I remember being captivated by each story and I told myself that I wanted to be like the people in the bible. I wanted to have their faith. Those people in the bible seemed to have had such faith that I wondered could I also have that kind of faith. 
Then it came to me that this was the bible and these things happened then and it was for those people of bible days. Lord was I wrong. I remember one day I needed something. Whatever it was I do not remember but this is where my faith started. I had said a prayer just to see would God answer, Nothing happened. So I said another prayer in regards to something else and still nothing happened. I started to be confused. I wondered, " did God only answer the prayers of the people in the bible because I have said 2 prayers and he did not answer them. I remember feeling sad, and empty thinking that God does not answer prayers and he only listened to the people of long ago. I started to have all kinds of thoughts and wonders.  I would ask myself " is God capable of answering prayers? I remembered that in the whole bible in the book of genesis it says that God created the heavens and the earth, so I said to myself that if he created the earth and everything in it then he is capable of answering my prayer, but why is he not answering me. One day as I was thinking about God and his existence I told myself that if he created the sun and the moon which were really huge things in the sky that I can see,  then he is able to answer my prayer. 

So I had a third situation of praying, this time I knocked down the curtain. I had never put up a curtain before and had no idea how to put one up. I was totally unable to fix it.  I did not want to get into trouble so I was getting anxious to fix it. I was praying and I actually said out loud " why you not answering me. I don't know what happened because I had been trying to put this curtain up for at least half an hour and all of a sudden it goes on smoothly with absolutely no effort. So now I am overjoyed and feel that this prayer was answered. 
On my journey to learning about God and trying to increase my faith I started to see that God really does answer prayers, and he reads our thoughts. I found this out after wondering about things and receiving an answer shortly afterwards. It frightened me. Well to be honest it scared me and I stopped reading and I wasn't praying often like I use to. I grew into adulthood and found myself praying only when I really needed something. As I look back at myself I see how awful that is to treat someone much less God. He sent his son to die for us, because he loves us so much and I only call on him when I need him. I believe we all have run into that kind friend or person who only comes around or call when they need something. Lord forgive me. 

Lately since I have been going through the going throughs I have come to understand that not only do I need to pray when I need something but I need to pray to give God thanks.  I must pray when  the going is good and when the going gets ruff. Many psalms tell us to sing songs of joy and praise to our God. Jesus said for us to pray morning, noon and night. In the book of Daniel, Daniel prayed 3 times per day. 

I am getting back in the groove of praying more often and not being afraid to pray. Over the years I have prayed for others until one day I heard someone in the entertainment industry said that she does mot want anyone praying for her. I found it disturbing and stopped praying for others. I know that prayer works and only now am I back to praying for others and asking the Lord to intervene in their lives and believing with all of my heart that my prayer is answered. I am now listening to my reggae gospel  music which I just love and can never get tired of hearing. If I don't know what to pray then I just say the " our father" prayer which Christ told us to pray. I am learning to just give thanks because who wants an ungrateful child, since I am his child. 
James 1:6 
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
Matthew 21:21,22, And Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith, and  doubt not, ye shall not only do that, which I have done to the fig tree, but also if ye say unto this mountain, Take thyself away, and cast thyself into the sea, it shall be done.
22 And whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, if ye believe, ye shall receive it. Praise the Lord.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Trinity!!!

The Trinity

I have heard the term Trinity, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. I have tried to understand it and thought that I did, however I have heard different teachings in regards to the trinity.  Upon hearing it so much I decided to check it out. There has been a few people who say that the trinity is not biblical and is not found anywhere in the bible. It amazes me what we choose to accept and believe without doing our own due diligence. 
So I am reading 1st John chapter 5:7 and it states " for there are three that bear record in heaven, The Father, The Word, and The Holy Ghost, and these three are one. Verse 8; States "And there are three that bear witness in earth, The Spirit, The Water and The Blood and these three agree in one. We do acknowledge the spirit, the water and the Blood because we know that God is a spirit, he was baptized and we get baptized and he shed his blood but here is my problem. The man made trinity States " The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Knowing about the three who bear witness in heaven takes me back to John 1:1 because in John 1:1 it states" In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:14 States " And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only son, who came from the father, full of grace and truth. 
So in my opinion whomever came up with the trinity basically deceived us by deleting the importance of the Word. The Word is just as important as God, and the Holy Spirit because the word is Jesus Christ in the flesh. So by denying the Word we are denying Jesus Christ. If we really want to understand God and know the truth then we must read the Word because it also becomes flesh in our lives ( the word becomes alive) and moves. That is why the bible states"  2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. When we know the Word we know the truth, and the bible once again States" God is not a man that he should lie.
The Word should be a part of our daily reading. We should not only read but we also need to apply the word in our lives. The word should be very important in our lives just like eating and sleeping. To know  that when I am down I can read a psalm and feel much better is a testament of the power of the Word which is Christ in the flesh. I am one woman and this is my opinion based on reading. Stay Blessed!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I serve a God!!!

I serve a God!!!

I serve a God who is powerful, He is the almighty God. He is the God of all Gods. I serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 
I serve a God who is the great I Am that I am. He is the Lilly of the valley, He is the bright and morning star. I serve the great defender, my deliverer. I serve the God who searches the hearts and reins. 

My God does not sleep and his eyes does not slumber. He hears all things, sees all things and knows all things. If you went to the bottom of the sea, He is there, if you ascend to the highest heavens, He is there, if you escaped to the ends of the earth, He is there. 

He is unshakable,  My battle axe, My redeemer, My wonderful counselor, My provider, there is only one God and He is the everlasting King.