Friday, December 18, 2015

Dear Mister Government!!!!!

Dear Mister  Government,

Before you get in government you should take a good long look at yourself. Before you make a whole lot of promises you cannot possibly keep, you should consider the lives of the people you are put in place to help. The people who vote for you are more than just a vote. You pretend that you care about the personal individual but all you wanted was my vote. You do not care about the individual. If you cared about the individual and people you would not pass laws that would only corrupt the nation and destroy the moral ethics of life. The laws which are being broken was ordained by the father of all creation. When a nation turns its back on God almighty that nation will soon cease to be a nation. When did you start to forget that people are humans. I believe most government are inconsiderate to the needs of its citizens. Rulers become mindless and powerful. Their only interest is to gain more power but all power belongs to my God and savior Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Jehovah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  It's a shame you have lost interest and care in the people who voted for you. Now they tell me that my vote does not count.  Exactly what has happened to you . Where is the we can do this together attitude? that energetic enthusiasm about all the things and changes you will bring forth for the future. Changes future generations can be proud of . Proud of the country they were born in, proud of the country they live in. But no" instead I must be careful where I go and what I say because you have misbehaved and treated not only me like shit but you have treated other countries and people like shit. So now every country is out for war. What are we fighting for. But I guess this is what I get when I put my trust in government,  and man and not God. 

There is only one true government and he is coming and replacing all government and that is the government of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 9:6 for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:7 Of the increase of his government there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The Zeal of the Lord of host will perform this.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What is this thou hast done!!!!!

What is this that thou hast done? Genesis 3:13 And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me and I did eat. God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but satan was there to deter them, Genesis 3:4-5"  ye shall not surely die; For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 
   We do not understand the ramifications of sin. As sin entered the world everything changed forever. 
I wonder if Adam and Eve knew what they were up against would they still have listened to satan instead of God. If they knew that eating of that tree would bring forth, destruction, disease, death, idolatry, murder, prostitution, stealing, fornication, lying, sodomy, basically all manner of sin and wrongdoing is what eating of that tree bought forth into this world.  What does it take for human beings to learn. Simply put the Most High God was Adam and Eve's parents. They refused to listen so now we all have inherited this sinful nature which is the nature of our enemy satan. Whomever believes that he has our best interest at heart is worse than a fool. Psalm 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. 
    There is a force upon this earth which believes that it is greater than God. This spirit of unbelief does not honor the word of the Most High nor does it honor his commandments. We are all in this together. However it seems that it is us against them. Believers against non believers . The Most High God; the God who created all things, how can he be my enemy when he outlined all the guidelines for living safe and secure in this sinful world. He told us, who the enemy is. Many have been blindsided into believing that satan is their God. I read something not too long ago where satanist believe that the devil has our best interest because " Our eyes were opened after eating of the tree of good and evil, and before that we knew nothing. Seems to me that with all the knowledge that we have acquired over the centuries the only thing mankind has learned is how to destroy each other. 
   Genetically modified food or organism is a scientific abomination. I know that science has done wonders for the good of mankind but when it jeopardizes the health and wellbeing of humans based on greed it becomes more the work of Frankenstein than science. How can man's idea be better than the Most High God. What are the long term effects of this. Does anyone know. I can hear God asking again" what is this that thou hast done. I recently heard of salmon being cloned and being put into the food supply! " what is this that thou hast done". 
   Deuteronomy 7:3 states He will love thee and bless thee, and multiple thee; He will also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine and thine oil, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep, in the land that he swear unto thy fathers to give thee. I have learned from reading Gods word that if we obey his word and follow his commandments he will bless us. 
2 chronicles 7;14 also states " if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land. There is punishment for sin and there is a reward for being righteous. Many people do not want to hear that they are a sinner but the bible states that we all have sinned and fallen short of Gods glory. 
Isaiah 64:6 also states " But we have all been as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness is as filthy rags, And we all do fade like a leaf, and our iniquities like the wind has taken us away. 
     My point for writing this is I know that when we decide to walk with Christ he will continue to bless us and when we disobey the curses is what we will receive. We can blame things on El NiƱo or Mother Nature but Jehovah is still in control. His word still stands. He said heaven and earth will pass away but his word will not pass away. To the non believer, here is a verse taken from Jeremiah 25:15, 16 For thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me; Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to drink it and they shall drink and be moved, and be mad, because of the sword that I will send among them. 

Psalm 75:8 For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them. The world governments have been complaining about the shortage of food to feed the nations but when drought, famine, floods and disasters happen we try to find every alternative except God. It is sin that has caused the problems that we encounter each day. We cannot solve the worlds problems by our selves. We have forgotten God, maybe it's time we all return to our first love, the God of our forefathers, the one and only true God, the one who created all things, the one who gave us his son Jesus Christ,  Lord of Lords and King of Kings
Psalm 89:14 justice and judgement are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

How We choose to live!!!

Are you a believer? Are you a Christian? What differentiates a true believer from a non believer. If I am an atheist and I decided to follow a believer of Christ and a non believer would the atheist be able to recognize the believer from the none believer?  Are Christians actively seeking God each and every day. The bible says to pray and pray often but are we busy praying. Are we praying for each other? Do we see what is happening around us. Do we know what the word says. When we see a brother or sister struggling to survive, be it financially or spiritually do we help that brother or sister or are we too busy with our day to day. Recently someone told me about a gentleman who was on the verge of dying and did not know Christ; I offered to visit him in the hospital but due to my own fears as to what may truly be wrong with him I never made an effort to visit. I wonder would my visit have made an impact on his life. As children of the most high God these are things we are suppose to do on a regular basis. Visit the sick, look after widows and orphans, look after the poor, be fervent in prayer, seeking the elders to pray for us and over our life. We are suppose to set an example for others to follow.  Matthew 5:16 states "let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and so they will glorify your father which is in heaven. "After going to church do I leave the house of God, go to my car and start bumping secular music as though I never heard the word. Do I get on the phone and start using foul language because someone has made me upset. Do I have love for my fellow man. Can life beat me down so badly that I loose all love and care for another human being. Can satan come and tell me to harass my neighbor and I willingly do it based on what I am told even though I claim I believe in God. If my employer tells me to do something and it is against my beliefs do I do it anyway knowing that it is wrong. If I see someone in need and he or she is begging for some change do I walk by real fast as if I do not see them or do I give them some change if I have it. Do I assume that I am better than the next person because I may have more money, or a college degree. Does the color of my skin determine if I am better than you or are we all one and equal in the body of Christ. Do I get on the phone and gossip about others or things I do not have actual facts about knowing that gossiping is just like lying or murder because it's all sin. I believe we are all guilty of something and I know that none of these behaviors exhibit Christ like qualities. Can you imagine Jesus saying to his disciples " did you see that man over there in the tomb with no clothes on. The one who keeps breaking the chains that they put on him, and then him and his disciples all laugh. What about the woman with the issue of blood, can you imagine Jesus laughing or maybe getting mad and cursing her out later. Or maybe going behind closed doors and talking about how someone looks. We are so far from being Christlike I don't even believe we understand it. To say we are believers are only words or expressions some people use. What are we true believers of? It does not look like we are true believers of the bible because if we were true followers of Christ we would acknowledge the whole book not just certain verses. So many of us claim to be believers but have no idea what the word says. We do not take time to read but will spend hours on Facebook or Instagram. We find it hard to spend 1 hour reading but will spend that hour watching television which is totally ungodly. Are we actively seeking God. You know what bothers me" those people who are so quick to call someone ugly when we all know that none of us have any control of our physical appearance. These people forget that it is your inner self that is ugly. Samuel 16:7 For the lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance but the lord looks at the heart. If only we would try this more often. We are so busy looking at the outward appearance that many of us only see color. We cannot seem to get beyond the color of someone's skin, and we make decisions based on that persons skin color. Are we hypocrites or what. Are we going to heaven or hell. I believe we all need to check ourselves to make sure we are living Christlike because it is quite easy not to.

Friday, October 23, 2015

The greatest of these is love!!!

The greatest of these is love!!!

Today I was enjoying a nice homemade root beer float with one of my favorite ice cream. While eating and drinking this float I came across something I thought was a piece of chocolate even though I was not eating chocolate ice cream. Upon close inspection it was a pretty big piece of cardboard.  I Immediately stopped  and put my glass down and walked away. It just happens that my  oldest daughter was there and of course she laughed but she went and ate some of it too. It was her way of saying if anything is wrong with it I will eat some with you so we will either both die or get sick. So I made the remark" so if I ate poison you will eat it too? I don't think that God gave us the ok to commit suicide. Of course ' she laughed again but had no words to back up her decision. 
So then I remembered listening to the news one year of a 7 year old child whose mother died and she felt she could not live without her mother and went and laid across the railroad tracks until a train came and she Was killed. 
In the bible Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son  isaac because of his obedience to Jehovah God. I heard another news report of a man who protected his wife from being killed by a crazed gunman and he died instead.  Romans 5:7 says that very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person though for peradventure for the good man someone may dare to die.
Now this leads me back to Jesus who died for us and none of us were good. He died for us while we were still in our sins and took our sins upon himself. Now That is a whole lot of love. So now I am reading prophesy today magazine which has a lot of end time prophesy which sounds like our day at this present time. Revelations also offers prophesies of the end time and our almighty father told us that it will be a time of pain and sorrows that the earth has never experienced before. 

I am sure many nations and people has heard of the mark of the beast because in the end times he will make those small and great rich and poor worship the beast and whoever does not will suffer persecution and death.  Here we have Jesus who gave his life  for those who believe.  In the end times many people will loose their life for believing in Jesus Christ. We all believe in something and I suppose if I should die for something that I believe in I should make sure that whatever it is, it does not forfeit my eternal right and blessings with the savior Jesus Christ.  As I write this I remember my years as a child and most of my adulthood where I was totally afraid of dying. Now I have a daughter who is willing to put her life on the line for her mother, Jesus laid his life down to take it up later and we must have these same beliefs because the bible states in , Mathew 10:28 and fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy soul and body in hell.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

There are 2 roads!!!!

There are 2 roads!!!

There is the wide road which leads to places unknown and there is the narrow road. The bible says broad is the road that leads to destruction and many are on it. Narrow is the road that leads to everlasting life and few find it. What road are you on. Did you decide to take the broad road. Maybe the broad road has peaked your curiosity. As the saying goes" curiosity killed the cat. Who are you listening to when you make the decision to take the broad road. There is someone who gets joy out of people doing wrong. He hates us, all of us. Don't get it twisted. Satan is a liar and a deceiver who has no love for anyone. I hear there are followers of satan. Wow. What has the devil done for us that we should be so willing as to worship him. Is it he who created the earth, sun, moon, stars, ocean animals and us. Absolutely not. The one who created all of this is the one we should be seeking. He is the most High God. The one who said if we would seek his face and hearken our ears and rend our hearts he would heal us. He would heal our land, he would bless us in the field. Everywhere our feet goes he would bless. We would increase and not decrease. He would bless our womb, even our animals would be blessed. Just remember there is the highway to hell and there is the highway to heaven, this is very real. God Bless.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Pray Always!!!!

Prayer is communication with God. 
Prayer is a powerful weapon. Prayer is 
Created to have  constant communication with our father in heaven. 
We wait till things start falling apart. 
Prepare for the battle before the battle starts. We may feel that our 
Prayer life is lacking or doesn't live up to Gods expectation, truth is we feel it's difficult to pray or find time to pray especially when we are so busy. We tend to think well " I pray as I am walking out the door, or laying in my bed, or while I am driving myself to work. 
Don't feel guilty cause you haven't spent time praying. What we need is an 
Insatiable hunger to spend more time with God. So find that space or closet . We must create that alone time . God says " Come to him in prayer. Let's pray for sickness to be removed. Let's pray for wickedness to cease. Let's pray for righteousness to be exalted. Not my will but your will be done. In the name of Jesus Amen.
Mathew 6:5-13

Words from last Sunday's message in church.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet!!!

A lamp unto my feet!!!

Psalm 119:105 states " Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep your righteousness. 

As I take a good look at my life and the mistakes that I have made I thank the Lord that I did not end up dead from some ignorant person or died from drunk driving or murdered in some gruesome cruel and evil way. The times have definitely changed. In my day I felt secure saying whatever I felt like saying without thinking that someone may shoot me for uttering the truth. Nowadays men carry guns. Especially the younger generation. Depending on which city or area you live in there is bound to be a shooting somewhere. It just doesn't feel safe to go to a club or party without someone acting a fool. I heard a story of a young lady being asked her phone number by a guy, she told him no so he pulled a gun on her. Wow, all for not giving him her number. Maybe he got told no too many times by too many women. But still the seriousness of the evil that is out there in the streets is not being heeded. 

I have realized that we are either walking in the light of Gods' word which leads to righteousness or we are walking in darkness. If we are telling lies, ( a small lie is not inexcusable) committing fornication, stealing, killing,  homosexuality, having sex with married men, having sex with married women,basically adultery, drinking and getting drunk,using drugs, gossiping, treating our brothers and sisters wrong, not having true love for one another, making plans to cheat, scheme or swindle others of their hard earned money, using others for gain, giving false report about others, manipulating others, sorcery, performing witchcraft, all of these sins means that we are walking in darkness. If you believe otherwise, please don't fool yourself. To walk in darkness means that we have not overcome the sins of the world. There is only one way to overcome the darkness and allow the Most High to be a light unto our feet and that is through Jesus Christ. When we wake up each morning and read Gods word he sends his Holy Spirit to guide us. He also sends his angels to protect us from evil. There is no way to live in this wicked and evil world and not have God and be sin free. It is impossible. So in order to live a righteous life we must put on the whole armor of God. His word is not only a light unto my feet to guide my steps but his word is also a shield to those who believe. I thank the Lord that he has me where I am right now. This is not the time nor is it the season to be playing around. The times are too evil. If you choose to have a one night stand, you have chosen to acquire aids, herpes or any  venereal Disease that is out here. Life is too short to take chances. If we had stayed in the word regardless of what society threw at us we would not have so many children out of wedlock. Many more households would be married. We would not have so many single mothers raising their children alone. As we can all see children need both parents and God in there lives. Gods word teaches us that if 2 people ( male and female) are overcome with each other they should marry. Society teaches us to use a condom instead of instilling abstinence. Gods word teaches us that our father is holy so therefore we should also live holy since he is our father. Society  teaches us that we are in control of ourselves so we do as thou will. God says" let his will be done, not my will but his will. If we keep letting society dictate what we should and should not do we will live a life full of misery here on earth and a permanent home in hell. There is such a big difference to what God ordained for his people. His word says that we are stiff necked people. We refuse to hearken unto his words. Right now I am reading Jeremiah and what I am learning is that God gets tired of our sinning and wrongdoings. He sends his prophets to warn us but we refuse to listen. The bible warns us of coming destruction for disobeying his word. In Jeremiah the Lord pronounced 70 years of captivity in Babylon for being disobedient. Why wait for Gods punishment when all we have to do is repent of our sins. He is gracious and forgiving. I do not want to see myself being destroyed because of disobedience and I certainly do not want to see you be destroyed either. 

Romans10:21 All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and Gainsaying people.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

St Joseph !!!

St Joseph

St Joseph first appearing in the gospel of Mathew and Luke. St Joseph was the earthly father of Jesus and the husband of the Virgin Mary.
Wow, I am so flabbergasted at the thought of using a statue as a last resort to sell a house. 
 This sounds so unbelievable to me. I find it so hard to believe and I identify it as being equal to witchcraft, and voodoo. The bible speaks of witchcraft and we are commanded by God not to practice these things. 

Leviticus 20:6 - And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.

Isaiah 8:19 - And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? 

All statues are man made. They have eyes but they cannot see, ears they have but they cannot hear. They have legs, arms and a mouth but they are unable to eat, breath or walk. They have no soul. 

I work at a Christian book store and these statues are sold for one purpose only. When a person is unable to sell his or her house the statue is purchased. It is then  taken home where a hole is dug in the ground outside the home and the statue is placed upside down and covered in the ground. In my opinion this is witchcraft. A person is now relying on a statue to perform an act. Everyone who has come in to purchase these statues swear by this and refuses to listen to what God's word says about things like this. 

To rely on something man made shows me that people have given up dependency and belief in the creator and is seeking other alternatives for the outcome of their lives. As people we want instant gratification, as if God is magic and he should be working on our time instead of us being patient and waiting on his timing. I have learned that there is a lesson to be learned while waiting. So while we wait the Lord is working it out to our benefit. We cannot see it all but that is why life is a mystery. God himself is a mystery and all we have to do is follow his commandments, believe in his  will for our lives, and he will heal, bless and restore us. I cannot say that I am a believer of the almighty and then turn and do witchcraft. God and witchcraft does not mix. I cannot go to the dead for answers about the living. The bible specifically states that God is a God of the living not the dead. So whatever problems arise in life I hope to call on my God in prayer and in praises. The praises go up and the blessings come down. 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Keep God out of This !!!

Keep  God out of this

So the other day I was talking to a ten year old girl. This little girl lies and tries to manipulate situations. Because I know that she lies and I am able to catch her in her lies I told her that God does not like when people are being ugly and he also does not like disobedient children. She said " let's keep God out of this. At ten years old she knew that putting God in the equation meant that she has to take a deeper look at her actions and the words being said because her conscience now bears witness. This made me think of God being taken out of schools, and public displays. 

With God no longer in the forefront people can do whatever they feel like doing, because there is no reminder of God and his judgements. If there is no reminder of his judgements or his laws we have no idea nor can we account to the fact that we are breaking his laws each day. It is sad to say that no matter how much of an atheist one may be, our conscience is fully aware of the things that we do wrong. 

1 Timothy 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.  So a persons conscience will speak out against him or her. A hot iron gives off steam so the fire of hell has come against you and still you refuse to stop being a hypocrite and a liar. Some people say that there is no God while others say that there is no hell. Gods laws and his creations are all around us. He ordained everything.  Matthew 8:27  The men were amazed  and asked, " what kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him. The bible does also say that the soul that sin must die. Since most of us will face death then the soul which dies in sin will die a second death. Don't let anyone fool you.  

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent. His word is true. There is such a place called hell. He also said in Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. So what on earth will it take to kill our souls. The same fire that it takes to kill Satan that old deceiver and the angels that rebel along with him. Let's remember that hell was not created for us but hell was created for Satan and his angels. As I see a volcano which gives off sulfur and fire coming up out of the earth. I believe that hell is not a place I want to be. 
This ten year old child not wanting to put God in the equation speaks volume in regards to adults and the rulers of this world also not wanting God in the equation. Sin will remain rampant. Crime will escalate, immorality will be the norm and no one will heed the warnings, because God could come at any time but the man of lawlessness must come first and we are near that time. Isaiah 14:9 Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. 10, All they shall speak and say unto thee, art thou also become weak as we? Art thou become like unto us.11, Thy pomp is brought down low to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: The worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. 12, How art thou fallen from heaven, Oh Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13, For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above  the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  14,I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high 15, Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 16,  They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake a kingdom: 17, That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of the prisoners?( Let us bow our heads and pray to the Most High God). 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

His Name!!!!!

His name!!!!

His name is Jesus Christ so I have been told. I have been calling on the name Jesus for many years. When I pray I say ' in Jesus name amen. 

I have heard before and now I find myself getting a bit confused about the name of God's begotten son Jesus Christ. I have been watching videos on YouTube of other Christians giving information to the fact that Jesus name is not Jesus because there was no letter J in the alphabet before a certain period. These videos also claim that earlier Christians did not know the name Jesus because it simply did not exist. 

So I decided to do some checking around on the Internet. I felt I needed to check this out because I found myself being confused in my prayers as to what to call my Lord and savior. I was being very bothered by this because I felt that these people were making a big deal about Jesus name and the letter J. I was very willing to defend the name Jesus because it is what I know. I could not understand why they were not concerned with the other names in the bible which also had the letter J in it. 
I tried to look up all the names of the prophets which had the letter J in them.  Jonah, Joel, Jeremiah, John, James,  Elijah, Jeconiah king of Juda, The people of Juda, Jericho the city, Jehovah God, John the baptist, Jacob, Joseph, Joshua, Jerusalem the city, I'm sure I missed one but I wondered should I not call these name with the J sound and replace it with the original Y from the Hebrew text. I thought this is a bit too much and got upset all over again thinking about this. 

What I know is that I speak the English language and Jesus Christ is the name we use in the English language and God is a God of all languages. The more I thought and read about this I realized that I may be wrong. Gods name and his sons name were changed because earlier Christians thought that Gods name was too holy to be repeated by man so it got replaced. I just recently came across his name Yeshua. I have heard it in songs and I have heard it elsewhere. On this website  www. Yeshua  means salvation in Hebrew. 
There is something interesting which takes place in my mind when I say the name Yeshua. I become a little hesitant and want to cry. (The name Yeshua takes me to the cross at the moment when they pierced his side like in the movie passion of the Christ, however instead of water gushing from his side I see rain like a light summer rain and the sun shining). 
I copied this from the Website above, 

The name “Jesus” comes from the Latin Iesus, which comes from an Anglicized form of the Greek name Yesous. What this means  is that the Greek name Yesous was altered as it was adopted by the English language.  In the 1st century the Greek name Yesous represented the Hebrew name Yeshua, which was a shortened form of the Hebrew name Yehoshua.   Despite claims to the contrary, there is no historical or linguistic basis in any biblical texts for other modern forms of the name Yeshua, such as Yahshua, Yahushua, Yeshu, or Y’shua.  The name ‘Jesus’ did not yet exist during the the time that Jesus Christ was on Earth, approximately 4 BC to 29 or 34 AD.  It did not come into existence until it was configured by the Council of Nicea of the Roman Catholic Church in the 4th century.
I am not hoping to cause confusion but I hope to spread the truth. God Bless

Friday, June 19, 2015

Today I Pray!!!

Heavenly father I pray, I pray for those who have been gunned down mercilessly. The other day 1 man choose to walk into a church and take the lives of 9 parishioners. I don't know how true this comment is but I heard he prayed first and then killed innocent people. I do not believe that he was praying to you.

 Some people are disturbed and have been brainwashed into dispersing hate. You are a God of love. Why don't people see that. I go online and read people's hateful comments about black people and about you,God. 
They give excuses as to why it's ok to take someone else's life. They say the laws need to be obeyed. Whose laws. These are not and in no way are they your laws God. 

This world is in turmoil and you told us these things would happen. Today 1 man decided to take the life of a police officer. I hear the news even if I don't want to. I hear the news of innocent blacks being gunned down across America by police officers. To take the life of another is sin and you tell us to not murder. Lord please help us, as a nation as a people across this world because it is happening all across this whole world. I keep saying that the world needs you Lord. This world needs love but there are many who teach hate, and violence. You are the love that we need. 
 Heavenly father I have heard all kinds of hateful things about myself but I refuse to pick up a gun and start killing innocent people. You said that" vengeance is mines, says the Lord. So I will let your holy spirit guide me in everything that I do. 

No one is concerned about anything or other peoples problems unless it affects them. People go on their merry way and continue the same pattern of hate tomorrow. 

God is merciful and he has mercy on us because he created us and he loves us. Man has and does not know mercy because he will drop a bullet and a bomb and go about his day to day and laugh about it.  People take the life as if they have the power to give and take a life. God out of his love and generosity giveth life. Wicked and abominable people take life with no regards to the consequence.

I know this world is ending soon because wickedness cannot go on forever. For those who do not believe in God and a savior just know that Jesus is coming soon so why get caught off guard. 
Watch and pray so that you may be able to escape the things which  are about to take place and that you will be able to stand before the son of man. Luke 21:36

Monday, June 15, 2015

I seek Christ!!!

I seek life and not death
I seek love and not hate
I seek right and not wrong
I seek Peace and not war
I seek joy and not sorrow 
I seek hope and not Despair
I seek wealth and not poverty
 I Seek gratitude and not condemnation
I seek wisdom and not foolishness
I seek righteousness and not sin
I seek compassion and not tyranny
I seek forgiveness and not accusations
I seek health and not sickness
I seek happiness and not gloom
I seek humility not arrogance
I seek comfort and not pain 
I seek strength and not weakness
I aspire to do the things which God tells us to do. Jesus came and laid the ground rules. If most of us really follow Jesus then this world would be a much better place to live.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Keeping me in darkness but the light has shined!!!!

Keeping you in the dark!!

Jeremiah 9:16 I will scatter them among the nations that neither they nor their fathers have known and I will pursue them with the sword until I have made an end of them.

Who are you? Who am I? I often wondered why most pastors seem to disregard the old testament and would only preach from the new testament. I thought that if God gave someone the inspiration to preach then that person would preach the word in order to save the spiritual soul of the flock. I still cannot understand why the church is ruled by others and dictate what pastors should preach. 
The truth will always remain the truth. It cannot stay hidden for two long. I often wondered what did the bible mean when it said that the whole world would believe the lie. I have asked myself " what lie will the world believe. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. Could the lie that the world believes be that Jesus is blond and has blue eyes. No one knows what Jesus looks like but yet many people have the same picture in their homes believing that this is Jesus. Back in the early 90's I went to visit a catholic church and downstairs in the basement was a picture depicting Jesus except the picture was of a black Jesus. I had never seen that before and I thought how interesting. Could this delusion be the belief of Sunday being the holy day when God ordained the sabbath in Genesis after he created the earth and everything in it. Or could it be that the true Israelites are black which is depicted in deuteronomy 28:48 Therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the lord will send against you, in hunger, in thirst in nakedness, and in the lack of all things; He will put a iron yolk around your neck until he has destroyed you. I   have read that chapter and I have heard that many races of people were slaves at one time or another but there is no other people on this planet that fits the description better than the black Americans who were enslaved. There are pictures to prove it. Yes, we can say that blacks are cursed but not in the way others would like blacks to believe. My kinky hair is not a curse, nor is my black skin. My nose or features prominent to being black are not curses. The curses that blacks has inherited are curses from disobeying God, for turning our backs on God. Whether we are Jew, Greek, gentile Arabic, Asian, indian whomever we are, we should be giving honor, Glory, and praises to our God. There is only one God and one mediator Jesus Christ. Whomever does not believe in the son does not believe in the father because they are one in the same. 
God has set aside a people as his own. This would explain why black people has no knowledge of who they really are. This is why so many are lost. I am not talking about returning to Africa. I am talking about returning to God. As his word says in revelation return to your first love. God is our first love. Not the liquor, so many liquor stores on every corner put their for our demise. Not the drugs, it will only keep you more confused and unable to rise from the ashes.  Not the material things, it only blinds you from seeing who you really are. Not the money, money is the root of all evil. If only we truly saw ourselves as sons and daughters of the most High God. A God who is holy and seeks a people who is holy and is called by his name. 
The wrongs and injustices that has taken place will never stop as long as we continue to  disobey God. He says rend your heart, we must return wholeheartedly. He is holy so his people should be holy by living holy. Jesus said repent because the kingdom is at hand. We do not have time to waste. Repent everyone, because evil lurks.  He created all of us and we all need saving. Peace and love to whoever reads this.

The Most High GOD of Israel established Laws, Statutes, and Judgments for all peoples who fear HIM to do and live in truth and in righteousness (Micah 2:7). This Great and Terrible GOD knew of all the wickedness and abominations that influenced everyone to do evil. Therefore, this Merciful GOD gave HIS Law to be kept forever (II Kings 17:37) to make one wise and even prosperous (Joshua 1:7,8). They are not void and never were. This GOD that so generously gave of HIS Paths of Righteousness is also OUR LIFE, and HE is alive and well!
Taken from

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Never give up!!!

As the world spins on its axis  Life also seems to be spinning out of control. Lately yahoo is displaying a number of mothers killing their children. One woman threw her child over the bridge and then she jumped. I have seen desperate times. Times when I had no job, no money and no one to call on. It was especially harder for me because I had 2 young children to care for. I did not have an immediate family in which to turn to. My family was in another country. I can honestly say without a doubt that It was the grace of Christ Jesus that saw me through. I thank God that I got through those years. Suicide  was never a thought nor an answer for me.  I always believed that if I gave up on life then I would be giving up on God. In my opinion to give up on God means that don't believe that he has the ability to help me and suicide would be my last resort, not true.   I remember once some years ago when my daughter was not quite 2 and It was just the two of us. I remember looking in the cabinet and seeing absolutely nothing to eat for the next day. My phone was off and I had no money for the pay phone. I believe I had just lost my car so I was feeling really bad. I did not try to contact anyone that I knew probably because I did not want them to know my dilemma. I went to bed that night wondering what am I going to feed my child for the next day. Just to show you how God works. At 9:30am the following day someone is knocking at my door. (Mind you I told absolutely no one that I was hungry and had nothing to feed myself nor my child). It happens to be my babysitter. She sent her daughter to my house with a basket of food. To this day I wonder how on earth did she know. What on earth made her send me a basket of food? She had never done this before. I said that I had never told anyone my situation. I do not remember if I even prayed about it. Sometimes we can become so overwhelmed that we forget to pray and ask the Lord to intervene. I can honestly say that it was no one else but God who told her to send me that basket that day. I don't care who says I am crazy but 
 I thank the Lord greatly for saving my life because he has definitely saved my life more than once. I hope that I always remember to honor and give him praise. Times are hard and it is getting much harder. The only honest and sincere answer that I see is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are in the days where disasters are happening one after another. This is not the time to give up. This is the time to be steadfast in prayer. Revelation 2:10 States, 
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation 10 days; be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I believe in Prayer!!!

Prayer moves mountains!!!

I remember one year in 5th grade  I received a small little red bible which contained the new testament. I read it and read it and read it. I really got into reading that bible.  It was small and easy to understand. I remember being captivated by each story and I told myself that I wanted to be like the people in the bible. I wanted to have their faith. Those people in the bible seemed to have had such faith that I wondered could I also have that kind of faith. 
Then it came to me that this was the bible and these things happened then and it was for those people of bible days. Lord was I wrong. I remember one day I needed something. Whatever it was I do not remember but this is where my faith started. I had said a prayer just to see would God answer, Nothing happened. So I said another prayer in regards to something else and still nothing happened. I started to be confused. I wondered, " did God only answer the prayers of the people in the bible because I have said 2 prayers and he did not answer them. I remember feeling sad, and empty thinking that God does not answer prayers and he only listened to the people of long ago. I started to have all kinds of thoughts and wonders.  I would ask myself " is God capable of answering prayers? I remembered that in the whole bible in the book of genesis it says that God created the heavens and the earth, so I said to myself that if he created the earth and everything in it then he is capable of answering my prayer, but why is he not answering me. One day as I was thinking about God and his existence I told myself that if he created the sun and the moon which were really huge things in the sky that I can see,  then he is able to answer my prayer. 

So I had a third situation of praying, this time I knocked down the curtain. I had never put up a curtain before and had no idea how to put one up. I was totally unable to fix it.  I did not want to get into trouble so I was getting anxious to fix it. I was praying and I actually said out loud " why you not answering me. I don't know what happened because I had been trying to put this curtain up for at least half an hour and all of a sudden it goes on smoothly with absolutely no effort. So now I am overjoyed and feel that this prayer was answered. 
On my journey to learning about God and trying to increase my faith I started to see that God really does answer prayers, and he reads our thoughts. I found this out after wondering about things and receiving an answer shortly afterwards. It frightened me. Well to be honest it scared me and I stopped reading and I wasn't praying often like I use to. I grew into adulthood and found myself praying only when I really needed something. As I look back at myself I see how awful that is to treat someone much less God. He sent his son to die for us, because he loves us so much and I only call on him when I need him. I believe we all have run into that kind friend or person who only comes around or call when they need something. Lord forgive me. 

Lately since I have been going through the going throughs I have come to understand that not only do I need to pray when I need something but I need to pray to give God thanks.  I must pray when  the going is good and when the going gets ruff. Many psalms tell us to sing songs of joy and praise to our God. Jesus said for us to pray morning, noon and night. In the book of Daniel, Daniel prayed 3 times per day. 

I am getting back in the groove of praying more often and not being afraid to pray. Over the years I have prayed for others until one day I heard someone in the entertainment industry said that she does mot want anyone praying for her. I found it disturbing and stopped praying for others. I know that prayer works and only now am I back to praying for others and asking the Lord to intervene in their lives and believing with all of my heart that my prayer is answered. I am now listening to my reggae gospel  music which I just love and can never get tired of hearing. If I don't know what to pray then I just say the " our father" prayer which Christ told us to pray. I am learning to just give thanks because who wants an ungrateful child, since I am his child. 
James 1:6 
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
Matthew 21:21,22, And Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith, and  doubt not, ye shall not only do that, which I have done to the fig tree, but also if ye say unto this mountain, Take thyself away, and cast thyself into the sea, it shall be done.
22 And whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, if ye believe, ye shall receive it. Praise the Lord.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Trinity!!!

The Trinity

I have heard the term Trinity, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. I have tried to understand it and thought that I did, however I have heard different teachings in regards to the trinity.  Upon hearing it so much I decided to check it out. There has been a few people who say that the trinity is not biblical and is not found anywhere in the bible. It amazes me what we choose to accept and believe without doing our own due diligence. 
So I am reading 1st John chapter 5:7 and it states " for there are three that bear record in heaven, The Father, The Word, and The Holy Ghost, and these three are one. Verse 8; States "And there are three that bear witness in earth, The Spirit, The Water and The Blood and these three agree in one. We do acknowledge the spirit, the water and the Blood because we know that God is a spirit, he was baptized and we get baptized and he shed his blood but here is my problem. The man made trinity States " The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Knowing about the three who bear witness in heaven takes me back to John 1:1 because in John 1:1 it states" In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:14 States " And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only son, who came from the father, full of grace and truth. 
So in my opinion whomever came up with the trinity basically deceived us by deleting the importance of the Word. The Word is just as important as God, and the Holy Spirit because the word is Jesus Christ in the flesh. So by denying the Word we are denying Jesus Christ. If we really want to understand God and know the truth then we must read the Word because it also becomes flesh in our lives ( the word becomes alive) and moves. That is why the bible states"  2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. When we know the Word we know the truth, and the bible once again States" God is not a man that he should lie.
The Word should be a part of our daily reading. We should not only read but we also need to apply the word in our lives. The word should be very important in our lives just like eating and sleeping. To know  that when I am down I can read a psalm and feel much better is a testament of the power of the Word which is Christ in the flesh. I am one woman and this is my opinion based on reading. Stay Blessed!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I serve a God!!!

I serve a God!!!

I serve a God who is powerful, He is the almighty God. He is the God of all Gods. I serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 
I serve a God who is the great I Am that I am. He is the Lilly of the valley, He is the bright and morning star. I serve the great defender, my deliverer. I serve the God who searches the hearts and reins. 

My God does not sleep and his eyes does not slumber. He hears all things, sees all things and knows all things. If you went to the bottom of the sea, He is there, if you ascend to the highest heavens, He is there, if you escaped to the ends of the earth, He is there. 

He is unshakable,  My battle axe, My redeemer, My wonderful counselor, My provider, there is only one God and He is the everlasting King. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Multitudes, Multitudes, In the valley of decision!!!

Today I sit in court once again.  I am not anxious, nor am I afraid of what decision may be made today. I pretty much know the outcome. I received my  drivers license so now I am here to see whether the judge will waiver the cost of my tickets. 
 As I sit here in quietness I think of another courtroom, sitting before the judge of all mankind.   I believe almost everyone has some kind of fear factor going on while being in court.  So being here just took me to the judgement seat. Why do I feel like crying? And I feel as though if I start  to cry I will not be able to stop. 
The thought of being or standing before the throne of God to be judged just scared me. The thought of the angels standing, and waiting for the outcome of each of us. The thought of some people being thrown into a fiery furnace just seemed so real. In a regular courtroom people are already nervous because their fate is in the hands of someone else.  So how wonderful and pleasant will it be for those who believe in Jesus and is patiently waiting for his return. We each find God at different times in our lives,  but let us strive to find him. God's word says" let us seek him early while he still may be found.  Knowing that during my life time I have honored the lord by not transgressing his commandments should be some solace of comfort to me. I should take pleasure in knowing that I have lived my life following Gods word. I get nothing from being hateful towards others. I will speak against things that is wrong and others may see that as being hateful or racist but one should be able to speak the truth. The truth hurts but I prefer to hear the truth than to be fed lies. God himself does not like liars so why should I become one. It is a wonderful thing to know that I am saved and I strive each day to do what is right. I am in no way perfect and I don't know who is but knowing that their is a reward for the righteous keeps me motivated to follow Jesus. 

I know that the bible states in Matthew 7:22  that many will say on judgement day ,Lord Lord, I prophesied in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and in your name I performed many miracles  and he will say, ' depart from me ye workers of iniquity I never knew you. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For some unknown reason I seem to think that judgement will take place in heaven but the bible states that judgement will take place right here on earth. 
Joel 3:2, 9-16
I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehosh'a-phat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. 
Proclaim ye this the Gentiles; prepare war,wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near, let them come up:
Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say 'I am strong. 
Assemble yourselves and come all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: Thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord.
Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Je-hosh'a-phat : for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. 
Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe; come, get ye down; for the press is full, the vats overflow; for their wickedness is great. 
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the Lord is near in the valley of decision.
The sun and the moon shall be darkened and the stars shall withdraw their light. 
The Lord also shall roar out of Zion and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the Hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Don't Go Back To Egypt!!!

Don't go back to Egypt !!!!

As the song sings: by Avion Blackman, Tittle;  ( It is for freedom) don't go back to Egypt, don't go back to Rome, don't go back to Babylon, that place is not your home. On different occasions throughout history freed slaves seem to think that running back to the slave master would be a wiser choice. The Israelites while crossing the Sinai desert thought that it would be much more feasible to return to their task masters.  Isaiah 31:1 states" Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help. Who rely on horses, who trust in the multitudes of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, But do not look to the Holy One of Israel. Over and over again I read stories about american slaves who were freed but chose to stay with their slave owners or task masters. I even read of a story of American slaves being freed and sent to Liberia Africa. They begged to return to the U.S. Why would they want to return to their slave owners ? because the harshness of the land, disease and volatile treatment by Africans towards them was much too unbearable. This makes me think of the guy who steals to get caught only to go to jail because in jail he gets 3 meals per day. Freedom should always be the first choice that a person chooses in life. But society has a lot of us being co- dependent. I need the government for a check this month and the next and the next and the next. So if I am dependent on the government for a check to support myself and family then I am now a slave to the government. The bible states" Thessalonians 3:10 If a man will not work he shall not  eat. If a man or woman cannot find work how will they support themselves and family. Jobs  shipped overseas years ago. Many malls and businesses are closing. Major cities in America now look like ghost towns. 

Not long ago it was blacks who were enslaved and chained. Now as I look just over the horizon many nations of people are enslaved. They are enslaved to war, poverty, financial woes, disease, sin. The invisible chains which holds us all captive. Many people are  in bondage.  I Do not believe that myself or anyone else is free. Because it is very eminent that America will declare bankruptcy and when this country does all nations will fall like dominoes. The only person who will benefit from this are the super wealthy. 

I have no desire to go back to Egypt, but I do have every desire to pray diligently. It is my desire to see and experience the full power of God move in my life. It is my desire to seek  Jesus Christ now more than ever before. The dark clouds are rising and only God can see me through. As 
James 5:16 states, 
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. 
2 Chronicles 7:14 also states
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Woe unto you lawyers!!!!

Woe unto you lawyers !! For ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves and them that were  entering in ye hindered. Luke 11:52 This passage says a lot. For those who are seeking to enter into Gods kingdom they are not being told the truth of the word. They are being lied to and misled by others who themselves has no desire to enter nor do they care about the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I suppose they equal to the verse which describes them as wolves in sheep's clothing. Saints, followers of Christ and believers of the bible really need to pay attention. 
  Whenever we decide to go to church we go because our soul needs to be fed. We need sustenance. When I found myself running to church I was in despair. I felt lost. Like a guy at sea without a raft or anchor to uphold me. I was drowning in anger, sadness,and  pain.  The misconceptions of life and how my life is supposed to be and not how it actually is was a bit too much to handle. Those problems which has me wondering why am I here? What is my purpose? Is God there, or here? Why me? Why am I going through what I am going through. How can I make things different? There seems to be this wall and I cant get through or cross over. This invisible wall is very real. It is so real that I had dreams about it many nights. So I found a church in my neighborhood to attend. For some odd reason while going to this church I felt more lost than ever. It has been years since I last stepped inside a church and something is very different. I did not feel like church was a place of refuge as I once did. I felt that Satan was now in full control of the church. My place of refuge was now the devils playground. So I started to listen to televised sermons and I was totally not pleased . So in my journey looking and searching for truth I started to read my bible more. I realized that in order to find God I had to do my part. Just going to the house of worship once or twice a week was not enough to have a close relationship with my creator. I am not saying that all churches has turned the other way but a lot of them have.I needed something or someone to remind me that no matter the situation God will see me through. His word says" put your trust in him. So I had to put my trust in God and try and block out the false teachings that I was experiencing. I heard a televangelist made this statement. He is blessed because he has a big beautiful house, cars and his finances are in order. I thought to myself. Is he saying that if 
Someone is poor then they are not blessed. I was poor at the time and  I am still poor. I thought of others who were less fortunate than myself. People in Africa, India, and third world countries are substantially poorer than Americans. Would this mean that they are cursed because they are poor. Jesus specifically said that we would always have the poor among us. Economist would say that a lack of education causes poverty. Which I can see that, however I do not believe that education is the real reason we have so many poor countries with poorer people. 

Now a days it is normal for pastors to tell their congregation to send them some money in order to be blessed. Just recently one pastor asked for $300.00 from each parishioner. " He needs a plane that cost $65,000,000. How many houses and schools could be built with that amount of money. How many poverty stricken children could he feed with that amount of money. Looks like many pastors have gone the way of seeking profits instead of preaching the true word. So many watered down gospel, bible toting 666 ministers running around pretending to be true apostles of Christ. They were around in Jesus's day and they are very prevalent now. 
Christ word in Matthew 7:7 states  ask and it shall be given unto you, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

He knows me!!!

He knows everything about me and he loves me still. He knows how many strands of hair is on my head. I suppose he should because he gave them to me. He knows me inside and out because with great wisdom he intricately designed me. Just like no 2 snowflakes are the same neither are  no 2 chromosomes the same, not even twins.

Back in the day I use to enjoy singing this song by the supremes. As I look at the words I feel that this is how God feels about us.
Ain't no mountain high enough, aint no valley low enough ain't no river wide enough, to keep me from you.  There is no where on earth that we can go to hide from him. We have all heard the Jonah story. In the belly of a great fish in the depths of the sea God is there. If we ascend to the highest mountain or reach the farthest of outer space God is there. The bible states that nothing can separate us from the love of God. 

So when I get discourage I know that I can go to the Lord Jesus with my problems  and he will guide me through them.  Even after I am gone from this earth my soul will rest with God until the day of judgement for those who believe. 

The book of Genesis gives an account of Abel's blood crying out beyond the ground to the Lord. Sounds like he is asking for vengeance since his life was cut short. Revelations 6:9,10 I saw under the alter the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: and they cried with a loud voice, saying how long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
John 3:16  states, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Since this is Easter or resurrection weekend I am happy to know that someone loves me that much to sacrifice his only son so that I and the rest of the world will one day live in harmony with him. So the troubles of today are temporary and one last reminder found in the book of James 4:8 Draw Close To God And He Will Draw Close To You. Cleanse your hands ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Every night before going to sleep I hear sirens. They seem to be constant in my neighborhood. As I listen I had to collect myself and ask myself this question. Where is Shayla? She is home in her own house in bed! Where is Shiyantez she is in the other room in her own bed and I am in bed also. These are my daughters I am asking about! So now I say a quick prayer in my head " Oh Lord, please watch over whomever it may be and keep them safe. After the accident that I saw 2 days ago I have now become a bit more conscious when I drive. Just 2 blocks away from my home was a four car accident. One vehicle was turned on its side and glass and debris was all over the intersection. I was not there to see when it first happened but as I pulled up to go home there it was. If I was a betting person I would bet money that someone was on there phone and not paying attention to the road. I remember in drivers Ed many years ago my teacher  Mr Bloom, specifically stating" Do Not Take Your Eyes Off The Road" it only takes a split second for an accident to happen. Nowadays with cell phones, Facebook  and other social media everyone young and old are captivated by their phones. If only people would pull over to the side of the road to text or wait until they get home to talk on their phones. I have seen so many car accidents this year alone. By my job there was 3 in 1 week all at the same corner. Maybe because I live by a busy street but I have seen cars on top of other cars and wondered how on earth did that happen and how were they able to remove the cars and occupants. This is scary because not only are more people distracted these days but some may even be on prescribed medications and or drugs. I pray that someone reads this and take it into consideration " That whatever it is it can wait.  I have seen so many people driving with there heads down instead of looking at the road. Remember we look out for ourselves and everyone around us as we drive. 
Better safe than dead. Better late than dead. Better safe than sorry. We are not replaceable. May The Good Lord Help Us All. 

Friday, March 20, 2015



Lately I have found myself walking around with a smile on my face while my heart is filled with so much doubt. I sometimes wonder how can  the wicked continue to be so wicked. They seem to get away with doing wrong and it appears that they are at peace in all their wrongdoings.
  Well today while I was around the house and getting ready for work I found myself being very doubtful about certain things in my life. Out of no where I heard a noise. The only problem is there is no one else in the house but me. I looked around me and saw nothing so I continued with what I was doing. About half an hour later I go downstairs to find that the flowers on the table had overturned and there was water all over the floor. Since I can no longer believe in ghost I told myself that it was God. In my mind it was God talking to me. He was getting my attention because he is the only one who reads our thoughts and I was having doubts about my prayers. Well" God  got my attention by letting me realize that there is nothing impossible for him to do. Just like Jesus said in the bible " when you pray you must believe. This verse is found in mark 11:24.    
Mark 15:39 also gives an account of the centurion and his faith Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof. Therefore I did not presume to come to you. But say the word, and let my servant be healed. For I too am a man set under authority, with soldiers under me: and I say to one, "Go" and he goes; and to another, "Come," and he comes; and to my servant, "Do this," and he does it.'"

I also know someone who in past conversations told me that she does not say the same prayer over and over because she believes that her prayer has been answered so there is no reason to pray that prayer again. I do believe in God but sometimes the doubts and disappointments can be too much, but as my mother use to say" God won't give you no more than you can bear. Today I realized I needed to stop having doubts no matter the situation. Believing God now determines my future. Walking around in doubt is basically stating that God does not have the power or ability to do what he said he will do. His word tells us in Matthew 7:11 
if ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts unto you. My thoughts also took me to Sara and Abraham when the angel visited Sara to tell her that this time next year you will be with child. Sara laughed and denied laughing when asked by the angel. But God had made a promise to Abraham, and he is not a breaker of promises but a keeper. He is the author and finisher of our faith.  He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. What God put together let no man put asunder. 

So if I want my prayers to be answered I must believe that it is already answered. If I need healing I must believe that he is able to heal me so therefore I am already healed. If I need a miracle it's already done. Believing is the key. Believing without the slightest doubt.