Friday, March 28, 2014

Complaining Immoral Brutes.

Living in a world of such sinfulness. So many people are ready and willing to do anything and everything to make a dollar. Where is the soul and consciousness of a man. Why are so many people going astray with no regard for their Holy Creator. Have we all fallen asleep and forgot that their is a God. Who says that right is wrong and wrong is right? What world is this? Is this a dream or a nightmare. I thought Dr Jekyll was just a movie. As the song says, children having children, men now dress as women and women now dress as men. When the women started hitting the bars like men and smoking like men, that should have been a hint, but I was a kid. Now look around you" everybody is messed up, the whole world is messed up. How do we change this or can this be changed? There are more single mothers than ever before. More divorced couples than ever before. More homosexuals than ever before, the whole world has gone Sodom and Gomorrah. More diseases, including heart attacks and cancer, Alzheimer's, you name it, it's here. People don't talk about aids anymore, I suppose the new drugs which keeps people living longer means you can do as you please. May God help us.

As I take a look around the world I know that this is not the world that God intended for mankind. Many people say well how or why doesn't God do anything. God is not magic. Life is not a fairy tale. We do reap what we sow. What goes around does come back around. I believe their is a lesson from other cultures, meaning we are guest passing through. God giving us the commandment to love one another is the only answer to all this deprivation and suffering. One man has everything and another man has nothing. Only selfishness and greed can cause that. Am I my brothers keeper? Yes we are keepers of each other no matter the race or creed.

In the beginning God came down and communicated with man, he communicated with Adam, Moses, Joshua, and many prophets. The people always complained, never seeming to be happy. Is that who we are a bunch of complaining immoral brutes. The bible says that the people got tired of him sending his prophets to warn them, basically to refrain from sin. They refused to heed or hear his prophets. We now live in a time where we are constantly denying him, he was taken out of schools, taken out  of Governments, taken out of the majority of homes and out of our hearts. So many people claim to not believe in God as if to blame him for the worlds problems. Mankind once again ready to place blame on someone else except themselves. When we have a problem is it God who we run to first or our best friend, or the doctor, or the psychiatrist. God seems to be last on our list. If only we learned to trust him and believe in him. I know this " that no man or government cans fix the worlds problems except Jesus Christ, and if I serve an imaginary God then who do you serve?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Blind Fold

Blind fold
Are we going through life with blindfolds on or have we removed them. A person who is blind is unable to see the physical things around them but with proper training and an acute insight to pick up on things is able to define objects and their surroundings. Many people walk and wonder through life with blindfolds refusing to see the truth for what it is . Totally ignoring the gift of sight. Yes being able to physically see is a gift but never ignore the other gift which is our spiritual gift. We can either allow this gift to save us from a lot of headaches and problems down the road or we can be blind to it.  Pay attention to babies, even they know who to go to or let hold them. Some of us see and sense danger but ignore it and believe that they are over reacting. It is best to be safe so go with your best judgement. Sometimes the truth can be spread out in front of us on the table but once again we hide and act as though we do not see it. Many people use drugs and alcohol to hide the truth. Refusing to deal and identify the problem does not solve it because when we are sober the problem lingers like a sore foot and untreated becomes a fester of pain. 

There is a spirit within all of us. We just need to pay closer attention to our spirit and let God lead us to the truth we all need to get through in this life. In this life in this day and time we have allowed our selves to accept more negative things into our spirit than positive things. Some people let the world define them, others let a man define them, we even define our selves but is it positive. How many of us truly let God define us. We are not bitches and hoes but children, sons and daughters of the most high God. Since we are sons and daughters of the king then we need to start treating ourselves and each other as such but no!! Each ethnic group of people on this earth has a name for the next group, as if to say that we are better than the next. I am not a nigger, nor are you a chink nor you a 
cracker, so the list goes on. Interestingly there are more derogatory names for the black race of people than any other race on the planet. With this I say that it takes God to lead us on our spiritual journey. We are up against so many oppositions that we are physically unable to fight this battle on our own. I wonder what would the world be like if we all understood that we are all sons and daughters of a great king who gave us the gift of love. He gave us many gifts but the gift of love says that I will never lie to you, nor would I lie on you, I could never deceive you nor spitefully use you, I could never do anything to hurt you because I love you so much, my love is not based on the color of your skin or how much money you have or the kind of car you drive but Christ said to love one another so we all as people on this planet choose to do the same. Maybe I am dreaming.

I Disciple

I disciple
I currently am employed at a Christian book store. I pretty much like my job because it is the first job that I have ever had where I can openly have a conversation with customers about God and Jesus Christ with renewed strength knowing that there are other people who feel the same way. People who love God, love to here the word and do not mind giving him praise. 

Well the company that I work for believe fully in the ministry of Jesus Christ so they started an online ministry tool which you can download to your iPhone, iPad or home computer as a way of increasing our walk with Christ. It is called I disciple. Jesus had followers and they were his disciple Men who were willing to put there life on the line for what they believed in. 

I often wonder how many of us are true followers of Jesus. We must be able to lead others to the truth and not lead them away from the truth. Any way this ministry tool called I disciple contains 65, 000  different Christian content. It offers devotionals, sermons, four different versions of the bible and within the next 30 days it will also offer music and ebooks.  So to those who know me, why not come into the store where I work and give I Disciple a try and increase your walk and your faith with the lord.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Bible Inspired

Lamentations 3:21-28

21,This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
22, It is of the Lords mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
23, They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. 
24, The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. 
25, The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seek him.
26, It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. 
27, It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. 
28, He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, because he hath born it upon him.
Ok, I just read this and sometimes  I am happy in my walk with Jesus, but other times I find myself loosing hope and looking to the sky and wondering, is anyone listening to me? Lord do you care? I know that you love me but in my circumstance right now I feel lost, alone, and abandoned. It's like waking up to an unpainted house in the middle of no where with no running water, no heat nor food and being in total isolation. Your words oh Lord gives me encouragement to continue when I feel down and discouraged. There is no one else I can look to for guidance. No matter what problems I may face it is your holy word which sustains me. The discomforts in life challenges me to pray more and to also read more. I have not met a better friend than you. For the times that I disappoint you I repent and I am sorry. Lord Jesus I love you and I thank you for life, for your mercies, for your love. You are my shelter, as the psalm says, you are my rock. I don't understand everything but I know that you do. God high and mighty, the creator of all things.