Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Oh Lord my savior, I am up against so much. The enemy has decided that I am his to do as he pleases. He lies, because he comes with a little truth and a whole lot of lies. He steals because he has robbed me of my joy, my finances, and my love and devotion to you. I know that you are true. I know that you are real. I cannot believe anything else. The same God who created them also created me. It's strange because the more trials and tribulations I go through the more it draws me closer to you. I cannot give up and quit because your son did not give up on me. Everything that is here in this earth is here because of your love for me. You don't just love me but you love all of us, if only we chose to believe and as your word say" humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways and seek your face. Sometimes I feel that the enemy does and says things about me to in someway discredit you. Who is man that I should follow and believe in him instead of the almighty savior. Who is man that I should fear him instead of fearing my God. I don't care what color you are but we both bleed, hurt, and feel pain the same way. It's just that some people have a heart to care about others and some people don't. They have a total lack of love and understanding for others. It's crazy how as a person while being alive we feel as though nothing can happen to us. As if our day to reckon with death will escape us. Our day to reckon with the almighty  will not escape us either.  I am scared of dying so how can I kill someone else. I have worked in healthcare for 30 years. I have seen what can happen to a person. If someone told you what will happen to you 20 years from now would you change or continue with what you are doing?If a person truly love life then they have to care about others. Where does the hate come from. I cannot hold that much hate in my heart. It is not in my spirit to do to others what others has done to me. All of this is ok. It's ok not because I am afraid of anyone or anything happening to me but because my God says" vengeance  is mine. I will continue to read the word and pray daily. Some days I pray more than others. I think it has to do with my stress level. Everyone handles their battles differently. Some people quickly give up by taking themselves out. I cannot do that one. To kill myself is saying "God, I don't feel you can help me. When we do right by God he will do right by us, and when we are right with him we will be right with others. If I know that I can no longer deal with people's character I will simply leave them alone. I don't have time to argue or listen to the lies and excuses that they bring. Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob says that he is seeking a holy generation. I should seek to be holy because my God is Holy. I need my mind to be clear so I can worship God the way in which I should. This world is giving off bad vibes right now, but in order to handle everything I must meditate on my Lord. He says for us to meditate on his word. I should be singing songs of praise to him. I should be coming to him with praise and thanksgiving. The enemy wants me mad and crazy. It's like being sent to wild dogs who seek to tear me apart. However wild dogs is no match for my God. Not when he sends his angels to protect me. Not when he has his eyes on me because I am the apple of his eye. My God says that he seeks to comfort us like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings to protect them. Well I need his wings to gather me and protect me from this evil and adulterous generation. Jesus called them brood of vipers. If I am not honoring God then who am I honoring? I cannot let anyone or anything distract me from having true fellowship with my savior. Hey' whoever hates more power to you, continue on, and whoever loves more blessings to you, may God shower you with blessings after blessings. I cannot worry about who does not like me because there is much said about the wicked. I was not put here to worry. My God says " do not worry, so why should I. Now I use to worry, but now that I am having a better understanding as to the love of God towards his children I can only continue to worship more and believe more. With the trials I have been through I have a better understanding of life. There is a lesson to be learned in everything. Satan who is my strong enemy thinks he knows me, just like Job. I suppose he does not know what God put inside of me. The spirit to handle whatever comes my way. All I know is, I need to follow the one who lives forever so I can live forever with him in paradise to all eternity. To whomever  reads this please believe me, there is a hell. We can either live in hell for eternity or live in the new world with Jesus as our king, leading us for everlasting life. Some people have to see something in order to believe something. I don't know my grandmother, does that mean she did not exist. Expand Jesus in my life and my life will change.

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