Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Victory Fight!!!!

The victory fight!!!!

When you have been bullied for too darn long. When the lies become a freaking joke to hold one down. When you are backed in a corner. When you get so mad you say I wish you would. When you now understand the reason for everything. When you finally understand the real and see the real you. When the fear leaves and now you are just so mad you just don't care what others think and say, because you know deep inside you why you have been harassed and hated by others. . I am someone you are not. I do not fit in your box. I am different. I look timid but please do not fool yourself. I am timid because I try not to put myself in bad situations. I try not to argue, and I do not like to physically fight. I do not want to treat you the way you have treated me. I am not you I am me. I believe in God and I believe in Karma. I am this way because from way back in creation God said this is who I will be. God made me to serve him and I have been praying since I was 12 years old. I must say though, because of the hell you have displayed to me, it has showed me how far away from God I was. I pray more now than ever. I believe more now than ever. I have bad times and good and I cannot just thank the Lord for the good. I must also thank him for the bad because as the saying goes, what don't kill you makes you stronger. He said in 2 Corinthians 10:4 The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. My best weapon is prayer, following Gods' commandments and doing his will. I will fight you back with much love and much prayer, the total opposite of who you are. Yet, it is who God is( LOVE). It is what he told me to do. Love others as I have also loved you. Do good unto others, pray for others, pray for your enemies.

I use to wonder why I am not liked by most. I don't care now because I am loved by the ones who matters most. When the lord said to put on the armor he meant put on the whole armor of God. It was a warning, because when the enemy comes I am able to withstand him. I may look alone but like the song by Jah Vinci says in ( Rising to the top) I have 10,000 angels fighting for me. I use to be more afraid of Satan than God. I gave him so much power in my mind.

Devil its eviction time, I am tired of you and you simply must Go. I did not understand how you could accuse Joshua. Zachariah 3:3 (Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the high priest). I have learned nothing about Joshua doing any wrong but yet you stand to accuse. You went to Job simply because he feared the Lord. You are a busy body with lots of time on your side, so you think. Satan your time is about to be over very soon. Yes you will be given a few years to cause mass destruction against the children of The Most High but the more destruction you are allowed the closer it gets to your end. God created me to worship and honor him. He told me to follow his commandments and by all means necessary I will do that. Hell was not created for me but for you, you freaking devil. I deserve to worship my God in peace and truth. You have gone too far and I do not like what you stand for. I know what love is,  and that you are not. You want me to forget God but I can't. When I am sick and you have caused many illnesses He heals me. When I am down he raises me up. When you come against me in your many deceitful forms it is he who gives me courage to face you and all your hell. I guess no one really knows what evil is until they meet you and your children face to face. Christ did say whomever is not for me is against me and how can one serve two masters. So if we are not serving Jesus Christ then we are serving the evil which is Satan. Satan you take on all forms, you come with a smile, ( the bible says you disguise yourself like a ray of light) you inhabit all races of people but my God also inhabits all races of people and their is more good in the world than evil. You may want me to give up by believing that you have all power to do what you want,  but again, once again you are a loser. You lost way back when. You got yourself kicked out of heaven. Don't come after me because you are pissed. The story of Esau and Jacob shed a little light on the importance of being a child of God. I did not fully grasp it for a while. Esau chose a bowl of soup over his birthright. We sometimes do not understand the importance of serving God, living a life with Christ, walking the streets of gold and living for eternity. My human mind sometimes cannot grasp the concept. I only see as far as my mind allows me. Trying to believe something I have never seen can become daunting. However, too many things have happened in my life which tells me that without a doubt their really is a higher spirit. He is the almighty, the one who created me as well as you. I did not imagine him I actually have a relationship with him. He has proven to me time and time again and again that he is real. Since there is evil as well as good then that lets me know that there are two forces at work. I believe in the good. I believe in the good of people and I believe in the good of God. Good does eventually overcome evil and I know that one day all this evil will end forever.

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