Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Bondage. ....
The state of being a slave. Slavery, enslavement, oppression, persecution, subjugation, servitude, binding tying, binding or restraining someone handcuffs, ropes, involuntary servitude. 

The black man and the black woman has been enslaved longer than any race of people on this planet.

I'm in bondage. A slave to sin. 400 years in Egypt. 400 years in the Americas. 75 years in Babylon. 40 years of wondering in the Sinai desert. When will it end. When will I learn. From generation to generation I am in bondage. I am tired of being enslaved and in bondage. So they removed the chains from my feet and ankles but now I am enslaved to financial disparity, enslaved to this society which has my mind, trying hard to take my spirit. This society which has me working hard for a dollar. Trying to decide my fate and stopping me from seeing tomorrow. Where are my children? Will they live past these horrors? Why so many years, so many tears. The shedding of innocent blood. Why am I so hard headed and stiff necked.  A people  who refuse to change their way is a people who refuse to acknowledge their wrong. When will I stop believing falsehood. When will I start to see the truth. The truth is, some people don't want to hear the truth. They would rather believe the lie. Why is the truth so hard for me to believe. Is it easier for me to accept lies. Ok, I'll accept the lies. I will walk with my head down, my pants hanging low, my cleavage out for the world to see, my skirts or dresses worn high, because I need attention, or am I just a slave to sin. Or maybe the people who make the clothes wants me to indulge in promiscuity knowing that it only leads to sin. Living in this brainwashed sinful world. Trying to change right to wrong and wrong to right. Maybe the whole idea is that my mind would be so captivated with the things of this world such as feeding my flesh. Wow, again and again, a slave to sin.  So busy pleasing the world that I have forgotten about God. Remember him. When did I last have communion with him. When did I last walk with him. When did I last talk to him. When did I last ask him to lead me in the path of righteousness. When has my soul cried out Abba, Father. When will I know that as long as I am cut off from the Son I am also cut off from the Father. Why do I think that because I sit in church I am saved. Why do I believe that once saved always saved. Why do I believe that all I have to do is say this little prayer and everything will be fine. I don't go to church like I use to but I am saved. I whisper and gossip about my friends and neighbors but I am saved. I treat others like dirt but I am saved. I lie on people who have never done anything to me but I am saved. I murder and will curse you out but I am saved. I have relationship with men as well as women but I am saved. I am a seed of Israel, seed of the Lion of the King of Judah and I eat every unclean thing known to man but I am saved. I will talk God today and be evil as heck tomorrow but I am saved. I run with envy, jealousy and malice but I am saved. I will do the wrong before I do the right but I am saved. When I see others less fortunate that me I will talk about them like a dog but I am saved. I hate you with every breath in me but I am still saved. No wonder many are called but few are chosen. So many will say but Lord I did this in your name and he will say depart from me I never knew you. If Jesus says he never knew me doesn't this mean that I also never knew him. God is not pleased with any of this. I need to come clean with this faith of mines. We get a kick out of other people's downfall, we kick them while they are down. Is this the same reason that he said that he will have indignation with the Edomites forever. When Israel was in the desert and God punished them didn't they rob, stole and murdered some of them. Didn't they laugh at their downfall. Did not they look at their situation and was happy in their heart. Happy to see another man down. God is not pleased with this world. I believe God is angry and who can stop his wrath from taking place. Who is bold enough to call themselves righteous enough to tell God what he can and cannot do. As Jesus told the people who were about to stone Mary magdalene whoever has no sin let him cast the first stone. If you are bold enough keep tempting God. If you don' t believe in a God keep living how you are living. If you have not notice the changes taking place in this world keep laughing and playing because your life is in your hands and you have full control of your tomorrow. When will I understand that their is only one way to escape this life of servitude, slavery, deprivation and bondage. All the money in the world will not fix my situation. We all know that money simply is the root of all evil. Some people rob, steal, and kill for money. What exactly is the time of jacob's trouble? Jacob are you ready? Are you ready for the trials which is coming? Are you ready to be washed from your filthy ways. The filth that has kept you away from your God. The reason you have been in bondage for so long. Are you ready to change from your filthy garments and be made clean. Are you ready to be cleansed from all filthinest and be made whole. Are you ready to be tried in the fire and be purified?  Malachi 3:2 But who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appeareth ? For he is like a refiners fire and like fullers soap. And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi and purge as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. Who and what will it take to change. Only God can change me. I have been in the wilderness for too long. I have been in bondage for too long. I have been in slavery for too long. Thank God for his mercy, however, Does the Bible say if my people which  are called by my name shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Time and time again the word says" if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways....I'm going to take it that we all know the rest of that passage

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