Friday, October 3, 2014

Part Time Love, Or Full Time Prayer!!!

I was at work one day when I asked myself this question. Is  my love for God a part time commitment or full time. l try to pray every day but there are days when I get so busy that I actually forget. My job consist of selling Christian items. So each day I assist each customer who needs help. I also present to them the new app that the company now offers which cost. Being able to sell this app to customers becomes a benefit to myself  and the company. I receive a small commission and I feel good knowing that I helped someone make an important decision with their life. There is one small issue with selling this app. There are days when business is not so good. We either do not have enough customers coming in or it just happens to be one of those days when everyone says no " not today". Well' on the days when business is relatively slow  certain employees have a tendency to say " lets pray" in hopes of making a sale. The thing is, I pray and I don't have a problem praying but, should I pray only when I need something or do I pray always. Personally I pray by giving thanks and realizing what God has bought me through.  I don't feel right praying just to get a sale. It is like a person who constantly wants but never willing to give. It also makes me feel as though I am in some way trying to use God. If I decided to only pray when I needed something wouldn't that be like using God just like humans use each other, " I will only call when I need something and if I don't need anything then you will not hear from me. What if God was like us and he only dealt with us part time. I feel ungrateful to only call on him when we need things. We should also pray in giving thanks. I actually told my supervisor that I believe that when I read the word and pray my days at work goes good. So if we would read the word plus pray then God would take care of the rest. She actually laughed in disbelief.  I truly hope that we see and understand that Jesus Prayed. The bible says that we should pray often and for us to pray morning, noon and night, Psalm 55:17.  The prophets in the bible spent most of their time worshipping and praying to God. I am not saying that we need to become saints but I truly believe that praying often removes a lot of hell out of our lives.

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