Thursday, December 25, 2014


Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, so it is supposed to be. 
However, I am doubting that more and more. Ever since I read some years ago in Jeremiah 10.3&4 for the customs of the people are vain; for one cut a tree out of the forests ( which is the work of the hands of the carpenter) with the axe. 
4, and another decks it with silver and with gold: they fasten it with nails and hammers that it fall not. Some people may disagree but I stopped purchasing Christmas trees after that. I use to love the real trees compared to artificial ones. The smell of pine in the home would help in the celebration, but the more I thought about that verse the more I felt wrong about something else, the giving of Christmas presents. 

I fully understand why Jesus was given gifts at his birth. He is the light of the world, the one sent from God the take our sins away, the one who came to bare our burdens, the one sent to die for us. He is the gift to mankind. So me receiving gifts and sending gifts supposedly on his birthday just tells me that now I have made a total mockery of who Jesus is and I am also saying that I am equal to him. I only hope that one day my children will see the truth for what it really is because God said he should be celebrated in truth. There are parts of the bible where God is asking the people " when you celebrate? Is it about me or were your celebrations about yourself. It's the same as when he says" these people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me. ( there is absolutely nothing wrong in celebrating Jesus's birth I just believe the gift giving should be left out, and if we celebrated life, more people would not be so quick to take some one else's) 

Christmas turns out to be a time for businesses to recoup all their losses because more people shop at this time and we are encouraged to shop and spend money. The ones who spend takes out loans, most often bills don't get paid and some people find themselves being very unhappy at this time of year. Why ? Because they have made it about themselves. 
If Christmas is a time of giving why do we only want to be nice at Christmas, what about all through the year. As a homeless man begs for a dollar he is given $100.00 at Christmas. If we truly had Christ in our hearts there would no longer be any homeless people, because we would adopt the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Love one another as yourself, if you freely give you will freely receive. 

Jesus came and died for those who believe and like the earlier church in paul's day acts 4: 34&35 neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold. 
35, and laid them down at the apostles feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.  Merry Christmas

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