Thursday, February 4, 2016

Speechless Soul!!!

I'm that soul that has no speech, lost in the deep, searching for the one who redeems,. The one who is the giver of everything. Everyone knows about him but not everyone believes in him. So many souls searching for truth when truth is staring you right in the face. As one man ask" what is truth, another man says there is no truth.Truth comes from knowing him, the giver of all things. I can't take away the praises due to him because he is the one who gave me life. I cannot pretend that he does not exist because without him, I would cease to  exist. They say knowledge is power but yet many people act as though they don't know. I cannot be blind to him because He is everywhere, He is everything. I see him in the mountains, I see him in the sea, I see him in my children I see him in me. If he did not exist there would only be darkness, actually that is a lie. If he did not exist there would be nothingness, and who has seen nothingness. I cannot give glory to another because he is too mighty and magnificent for me to ignore. Don't you see him in everything? I do, I see God in you as well as in me. 
Corinthians1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men....

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